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It's past me what he means!

  • 1 be past

    быть трудным (для понимания и т. п.) It's past me what he means! ≈ Я совершенно не понимаю, что он имеет в виду. I'll save this book till the children are older;
    it's a little past them at the moment. ≈ Я приберегу эту книгу до тех пор, пока дети немного повзрослеют. Сейчас она слишком сложна для них. The old man felt that he was now past going out every day, so he asked some young people to do his shopping. ≈ Пожилой человек почувствовал, что ему становится трудно выходить на улицу каждый день, и он попросил молодых людей покупать ему продукты. Syn: be beyond
    4), get beyond
    3), get past

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > be past

  • 2 be past

    be past быть трудным для понимания it's past me what he means! I'll savethis book till the children are older; it's a little past them at the moment. The old man felt that he was now past going out every day, so he asked someyoung people to do his shopping.

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > be past

  • 3 be

    I [biː] гл., прош. вр. 1 л., 3 л. ед. was, 2 л. ед., мн. were, прич. прош. вр. been
    1) быть; быть живым, жить; существовать

    I think, therefore I am. — Я мыслю, следовательно, существую.

    Tyrants and sycophants have been and are. — Тираны и подхалимы были и есть.

    So much that was not is beginning to be. — Так много из того, чего раньше не было, появляется.

    Content to be and to be well. — Он доволен, что жив, и что у него всё неплохо.

    2) происходить, случаться, иметь место

    Be it as it may. — Будь как будет.

    The flower-show was last week. — На прошлой неделе была выставка цветов.

    take place, happen, occur
    3) занимать (какое-л. место, положение); находиться (где-л.), принимать (какую-л.) позу или позицию

    I'm sorry, Mr Baker is not at home; can I take a message? — Мистера Бейкера нет дома, что-нибудь передать ему?

    Your book is here, under the table. — Да вот твоя книжка, под столом.

    You shall be beside me in the church. — Ты будешь стоять рядом со мной в церкви.

    The bank is between the shoe shop and the post office. — Банк расположен между почтой и обувным магазином.

    The valley where we live is beyond the mountains. — Долина, в которой мы живём, расположена за этими горами.

    Is Mary down yet? Her eggs are getting cold. — Разве Мэри ещё не спустилась (к завтраку)? Её яичница остывает.

    We must try to be away by 8 o'clock. — Нужно попытаться к 8 часам уже уйти.

    There's nobody about, you'd better come back later. — Сейчас никого нет, может быть, вам лучше зайти попозже?

    Jim is about somewhere, if you'd like to wait. — Джим где-то поблизости, вы можете подождать.

    There's a branch above you - can you reach it? — Над тобой ветка, достанешь до неё?

    The captain of a ship is above a seaman. — Звание капитана корабля выше звания матроса.

    Jim was abreast of the leading runner for a few minutes but then fell behind. — Сначала Джим бежал наравне с лидером, но потом отстал.

    When all your toys are away, I will read you a story. — Я почитаю тебе сказку, если ты уберёшь на место все игрушки.

    The hotel is on the upper floors, and the shops are below. — Гостиница расположена на верхних этажах, а магазин - ниже.

    The home of a rabbit is usually beneath the ground. — Кролики обычно роют свои норки в земле.

    Long skirts will be back next year. — В следующем году в моде снова будут длинные юбки.

    So many children are away this week with colds. — На этой неделе многие дети отсутствуют по болезни.

    When I returned from the police station, the jewels were back in their box; the thieves must have got frightened and replaced them. — Когда я вернулась домой из полиции, драгоценности снова были в шкатулке. Должно быть, воры испугались и положили их обратно.

    Your letters are behind the clock, where I always put them. — Твои письма за часами; там, куда я всегда кладу их.

    4) находиться в (каком-л.) состоянии; обладать (каким-л.) качеством

    to be afraid — страшиться, бояться, трусить; опасаться

    to be amazed / astonished — изумляться, удивляться

    to be frightened / startled — пугаться

    to be indignant — негодовать, возмущаться; обижаться, сердиться

    to be slow / tardy — медлить, мешкать; опаздывать, запаздывать; отставать

    to be stuffed — объедаться, переедать

    to be remorseful — раскаиваться; сокрушаться; каяться, сожалеть

    to be in a hurry — спешить, торопиться

    to be lenient — попустительствовать, потакать, потворствовать

    to be mistaken — заблуждаться, ошибаться

    to be at an end — заканчиваться, подходить к концу

    My patience is at an end, I can listen to her complaints no longer. — Моё терпение лопнуло, я больше не могу слушать её жалобы.

    It's quite dark, it must be after 10 o'clock. — Уже довольно темно, сейчас, должно быть, около 10 часов.

    Proposals that have been under deliberation. — Предложения, которые рассматривались.

    5) ( have been) побывать (где-л.)

    Where have you been? I've just been about the town. — Где ты был? Гулял по городу.

    6) оставаться, пребывать (в каком-л. состоянии); не меняться, продолжать быть, как раньше

    Let things be. — Пусть всё будет как есть.


    Being they are Church-men, we may rather suspect... — Имея в виду, что они священники, можно подозревать…

    8) принадлежать (кому-л.), относиться ( к чему-л); сопровождать, сопутствовать

    Well is him that hath (= has) found prudence. — Благо тому, кто стал благоразумен.

    Good fortune be with you. — Пусть удача сопутствует тебе.

    9) (there + личная форма от be) иметься, наличествовать

    There is some cheese in the fridge. — В холодильнике есть немного сыра.

    There are many problems with her essay. — С её эссе много проблем.

    а) означать, значить; быть эквивалентным чему-л.

    To fall was to die. — Упасть означало умереть.

    I'll tell you what it is, you must leave. — Я тебе скажу, в чём дело - тебе уходить пора.

    State is me. — Государство это я.

    Let thinking be reasoning. — Будем считать, что думать значит размышлять.

    б) занимать место в ряду; характеризоваться признаками

    Only by being man can we know man. — Только будучи людьми мы можем познать человека.

    He was of Memphis. — Он был из Мемфиса.

    в) иметь значение, быть значимым

    Is it nothing to you? —Это ничего для тебя не значит?

    11) (if … were / was to do smth.) если бы … имело место ( сослагательное наклонение)

    If I were to propose, would you accept? — Если бы я сделал тебе предложение, ты бы согласилась?

    12) (be to do smth.) быть обязанным сделать (что-л.; выражает долженствование)

    The president is to arrive at 9.30. — Президент должен приехать в 9.30.

    You are not to leave before I say so. — Ты не должен уходить, пока я тебе не разрешу.

    I was this morning to buy silk for a nightcap. — Тем утром мне нужно было сходить купить шёлка на ночной колпак.

    He is to go home. — Он должен пойти домой.

    13) (be + about to do smth.) собираться (сделать что-л.)

    He is about to go. — Он собирается уходить.

    The water is about to boil. — Вода вот-вот закипит.

    14) ( be about) делать, исполнять; заниматься (чем-л.)

    What are you about? I'm about my business. — Чем вы сейчас занимаетесь? У меня свой бизнес.

    15) ( be above) быть безупречным, вне подозрений, выше критики

    Her action during the fire was above reproach. — Её поведение во время пожара было безупречным.

    The chairman's decision is not above criticism. — С решением председателя можно поспорить.

    16) ( be after)
    а) преследовать (кого-л.)

    Why is the dog running so fast? He's after rabbits. — Почему собака так быстро бежит? Она гонится за кроликом.

    Quick, hide me, the police are after me! — Спрячь меня скорее, за мной гонится полиция.

    Jim is after another job. — Джим хочет устроиться на другую работу.

    Don't marry him, he's only after your money. — Не выходи за него замуж, ему нужны только твои деньги.

    She's been after me for a year to buy her a new coat. — Она целый год приставала ко мне, чтобы ей купили новое пальто.

    в) разг. журить, бранить; ругать

    She's always after the children for one thing or another. — Она всегда за что-нибудь ругает детей.

    17) ( be against)
    а) противостоять (кому-л. / чему-л.)

    Driving without seat belts may soon be against the law. — Вести машину непристёгнутым скоро может стать нарушением правил.

    Father was against (his daughter) marrying young. — Отец был против того, чтобы дочь выходила замуж в юном возрасте.

    б) противоречить (чему-л.)

    Lying is against my principles. — Ложь противоречит моим жизненным принципам.

    18) ( be along) приходить

    Jim will be along (to the meeting) in a minute. — Через минуту-другую Джим придёт.

    19) ( be at)
    а) разг. настроиться на (что-л.)
    drive 1. 16)
    б) разг. ругать (кого-л.), нападать на (кого-л.), приставать к (кому-л.)
    в) осуществлять активно (что-л.), посвятить себя (чему-л.)

    Jim has been at his work for hours. — Джим часами сидит за работой.

    г) разг. быть популярным, быть модным

    You must get your clothes in the King's Road, that's where it's at. — Ты можешь отвезти свою одежду на Кинг Роуд, там её оценят по достоинству.

    д) трогать (что-л.) чужое; рыться в (чем-л.)
    meddle 2)
    е) атаковать (кого-л.)

    Our men are ready, sir, all armed and eager to be at the enemy. — Солдаты находятся в боевой готовности, сэр, они все вооружены и жаждут броситься в бой.

    ж) приводить к (чему-л.), заканчиваться (чем-л.)

    What would he be at? - At her, if she's at leisure. — Ну и чего он достигнет? - Будет рядом с ней, если ей захочется.

    20) ( be before) обвиняться, предстать перед (судом, законом)

    Peter has been before the court again on a charge of driving while drunk. — Питер снова предстал перед судом за то, что находился за рулём в нетрезвом состоянии.

    bring 5), go 1. 25)
    21) ( be behind) служить причиной, крыться за (чем-л.), стоять за (чем-л.)

    What's behind his offer? — Интересно, что заставило его сделать такое предложение?

    22) ( be below)
    а) быть ниже (нормы, стандартных требований)

    I'm disappointed in your work; it is below your usual standard. — Я неприятно удивлён результатами вашей работы, обычно вы справляетесь с заданием гораздо лучше.

    б) быть ниже по званию, чину

    A captain is below a major. — Капитан по званию ниже, чем майор.

    By joining the army late, he found that he was below many men much younger than himself. — Довольно поздно вступив на военную службу, он обнаружил, что многие из тех, кто младше его по возрасту, старше по званию.

    23) ( be beneath) быть позорным для (кого-л.); быть ниже (чьго-л.) достоинства

    Cheating at cards is beneath me. — Я считаю ниже своего достоинства жульничать при игре в карты.

    I should have thought it was beneath you to consider such an offer. — Я должен был догадаться, что вы сочтёте недостойным рассматривать подобные предложения.

    24) ( be beyond)
    а) выходить за пределы возможного или ожидаемого; не подлежать (чему-л.), выходить за рамки (чего-л.)

    to be beyond a joke — переставать быть забавным; становиться слишком серьёзным

    Your continual lateness is now beyond a joke; if you're not on time tomorrow, you will be dismissed. — Ваши постоянные опоздания уже перестали быть просто шуткой; если вы и завтра не придёте вовремя, мы вынуждены будем вас уволить.

    Your rudeness is beyond endurance - kindly leave my house! — Ваша грубость становится невыносимой, я бы попросил вас покинуть мой дом!

    The soldier's brave deed was beyond the call of duty. — Храбрый поступок солдата превосходил обычное представление о долге.

    Calling spirits from the dead proved to be beyond the magician's powers. — Вызывать духов умерших людей оказалось за пределами возможностей чародея.

    I'm afraid this old piano is now beyond repair so we'd better get rid of it. — Боюсь, что это старое пианино не подлежит ремонту, и лучше было бы избавиться от него.

    б) превзойти (что-л.)

    The amount of money that I won was beyond all my hopes. — Сумма выигрыша была намного больше того, о чём я мог хотя бы мечтать.

    в) = be beyond one's ken быть слишком сложным для (кого-л.); быть выше (чьего-л.) понимания

    I'm afraid this book's beyond me; have you an easier one? — Мне кажется, что эта книга слишком сложная для меня; у вас нет чего-нибудь попроще?

    It's beyond me which house to choose, they're both so nice! — Я решительно не знаю, какой дом выбрать. Они оба такие красивые!

    The details of different kinds of life insurance are quite beyond my ken, so I have to take the advice of professionals. — Вопросы особенностей и различных видов медицинского страхования слишком трудны для моего понимания. Лучше я обращусь к помощи специалистов.

    get 1. 28)
    25) ( be for) поддерживать (кого-л. / что-л.) ; быть "за" (что-л.), защищать (что-л.)

    I'm for it. — Я за, я поддерживаю.

    You are for the chairman's plan, aren't you? Yes, I'm all for it. — Вы одобряете план, предложенный председателем, не так ли? Да, мне он нравится.

    No, I'm for keeping the old methods. — Нет, я приверженец старых методов.

    26) ( be into) разг. быть заинтересованным в (чём-л.)

    She doesn't eat meat now, she's really into health food. — Она не ест мяса и увлекается здоровой пищей.

    27) ( be off)
    а) не посещать (работу, учёбу); закончить (работу, выполнение обязанностей)

    Jane was off school all last week with her cold. — Джейн всю прошлую неделю не ходила в школу по болезни.

    в) не хотеть, не быть заинтересованным; перестать интересоваться

    Jane has been off her food since she caught a cold. — С тех пор, как Джейн простудилась, ей не хотелось есть.

    I've been off that kind of music for some time now. — Некоторое время мне не хотелось слушать такую музыку.

    28) ( be (up)on)

    Mother has been on that medicine for months, and it doesn't seem to do her any good. — Мама принимает это лекарство уже несколько месяцев, и кажется, что оно ей совсем не помогает.

    I've been on this treatment for some weeks and I must say I do feel better. — Я уже несколько недель принимаю это лекарство и, должен сказать, чувствую себя лучше.

    б) делать ставку на (кого-л. / что-л.)

    My money's on Sam, is yours? — Я поставил на Сэма, а ты?

    Our money's on Northern Dancer to win the third race. — Мы поставили на то, что Северный Танцор выиграет в третьем забеге.

    stake II 2., wager
    в) разг. быть оплаченным (кем-л.)

    Put your money away, this meal is on me. — Убери деньги, я заплачу за обед.

    29) ( be onto)
    а) связаться с (кем-л.; особенно по телефону)

    I've been onto the director, but he says he can't help. — Я разговаривал с директором, но он говорит, что не может помочь.

    б) разг. постоянно просить (кого-л.) о (чём-л.)

    She's been onto me to buy her a new coat for a year. — Она постоянно в течение года просила меня купить ей новое пальто.

    в) разг. открывать, обнаруживать (что-л.)

    Don't think I haven't been onto your little plan for some time. — Не думай, что я не знал какое-то время о твоём плане.

    The police are onto us, we'd better hide. — Полиция знает о нас, уж лучше мы спрячемся.

    30) ( be over) тратить много времени на (что-л.); долго заниматься (чем-л.), долго сидеть над (чем-л.)

    Don't be all night over finishing your book. — Не сиди всю ночь напролёт, заканчивая свою книгу.

    31) ( be past) быть трудным (для понимания, совершения)

    It's past me what he means! — Я совершенно не понимаю, что он имеет в виду.

    I'll save this book till the children are older; it's a little past them at the moment. — Я приберегу эту книгу до тех пор, пока дети немного повзрослеют. Сейчас она слишком сложна для них.

    The old man felt that he was now past going out every day, so he asked some young people to do his shopping. — Пожилой человек почувствовал, что ему становится трудно выходить на улицу каждый день, и он попросил молодых людей покупать ему продукты.

    get 1. 28)
    32) ( be under)
    а) подчиняться (кому-л.)

    The whole army is under the general's command. — Вся армия находится под командованием генерала.

    б) лечиться (у какого-л. врача)

    Jane has been under that doctor for three years. — Джейн в течение трёх лет лечилась у этого врача.

    в) чувствовать влияние, находиться под влиянием (чего-л.)

    When Jim came home singing and shouting, we knew that he was under the influence of drink. — Когда Джим с криками и пением пришёл домой, мы поняли, что он был пьян.

    33) ( be with)
    а) разг. поддерживать (кого-л.)

    We're with you all the way in your fight for equal rights. — Мы от всей души поддерживаем вас в борьбе за равноправие.

    б) разг. понимать и любить (что-л. современное); одобрять

    I'm not with these new fashions, I find them ugly. — Я не понимаю нынешних течений в моде. По-моему, это просто ужасно.

    34) ( be within) принадлежать, являться частью (чего-л.)

    I can answer your question if it's within my competence. — Я могу ответить на ваш вопрос, если это входит в сферу моей компетенции.

    35) ( be without) не хватать, недоставать

    Many homes in Britain were without electricity during parts of the winter. — Временами зимой во многих домах Великобритании отключали электричество.

    - be around
    - be away
    - be behind
    - be below
    - be down
    - be in
    - be inside
    - be off
    - be on
    - be out
    - be over
    - be round
    - be through
    - be up

    to be down in the dumps / mouth — быть в плохом настроении / нездоровым; быть не в форме

    to be in accord / harmony with smb. — иметь хорошие отношения с (кем-л.); иметь одинаковые вкусы, мнения с (кем-л.)

    to be out in force / large numbers / strength — присутствовать, дежурить на улицах в большом количестве

    - have been and gone and done
    - be above one's head
    - be above oneself
    - be abreast of
    - be all eyes
    - be at a dead end
    - be at a loss
    - be at attention
    - be at each other's throats
    - be at ease
    - be at it
    - be at loggerheads
    - be at pains
    - be behind bars
    - be behind the times
    - be beneath contempt
    - be beneath smb.'s dignity
    - be beneath smb.'s notice
    - be beside oneself
    - be beyond question
    - be beyond redemption
    - be down for the count
    - be down on one's luck
    - be hard up for
    - be hip to
    - be in at the finish
    - be in charge
    - be in collision with
    - be in for smth.
    - be in line with
    - be in on the ground floor
    - be in the chair
    - be in the money
    - be in the way
    - be on full time
    - be on the make
    - be on the point
    - be onto a good thing
    - be over and done with
    - be ahead
    - be amiss
    II [biː] вспомогательный глагол; прош. вр. 1 л., 3 л. ед. was, 2 л. ед., мн. were, прич. прош. вр. been

    He was talking of you. — Он говорил о тебе.

    A man who is being listened to. — Человек, которого сейчас слушают.

    2) в сочетании с причастием настоящего времени или инфинитивом выражает будущее действие

    She is visiting there next week. — Она приедет сюда на следующей неделе.

    He is to see me today. — Он сегодня придёт меня повидать.

    The date was fixed. — Дата была зафиксирована.

    His book will be published. — Его книга будет опубликована.

    The political aspect of the subject has not been approached. — Политический аспект проблемы до сих пор не рассматривался.

    4) уст. с причастием прошедшего времени передаёт перфектное значение для непереходных глаголов

    Therefore I am returned. — И поэтому я вернулся.

    His parents were grown old. — Его родители состарились.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > be

  • 4 mean

    I adjective
    1) (not generous (with money etc): He's very mean (with his money / over pay).) mezquino, tacaño, agarrado
    2) (likely or intending to cause harm or annoyance: It is mean to tell lies.) mezquino, malo
    3) ((especially American) bad-tempered, vicious or cruel: a mean mood.) malo, malhumorado
    4) ((of a house etc) of poor quality; humble: a mean dwelling.) humilde, pobre
    - meanness
    - meanie

    1. adjective
    1) ((of a statistic) having the middle position between two points, quantities etc: the mean value on a graph.)
    2) (average: the mean annual rainfall.)

    2. noun
    (something that is midway between two opposite ends or extremes: Three is the mean of the series one to five.) término medio

    1. past tense, past participle - meant; verb
    1) (to (intend to) express, show or indicate: `Vacation' means `holiday'; What do you mean by (saying/doing) that?) querer decir
    2) (to intend: I meant to go to the exhibition but forgot; For whom was that letter meant?; He means (= is determined) to be a rich man some day.) tener la intención, tener pensado

    2. adjective
    ((of a look, glance etc) showing a certain feeling or giving a certain message: The teacher gave the boy a meaning look when he arrived late.) significativo
    - meaningless
    - be meant to
    - mean well

    mean1 adj
    1. malo / malicioso / cruel / antipático
    don't be so mean! ¡no seas tan malo!
    2. mezquino / tacaño
    mean2 vb
    1. significar / querer decir
    what does "ceiling" mean? ¿qué quiere decir "ceiling"?
    2. pretender / querer / tener la intención
    1 (average) medio,-a
    1 (average) promedio
    3 (middle term) término medio
    1 (miserly, selfish - person) mezquino,-a, tacaño,-a, agarrado,-a; (portion etc) mezquino,-a, miserable
    2 (unkind) malo,-a, antipático,-a; (petty) mezquino,-a; (ashamed) avergonzado,-a
    3 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL familiar (person - nasty) malo,-a; (- bad-tempered) malhumorado,-a; (animal) feroz
    4 dated (low, poor) humilde, pobre
    5 familiar (skilful, great) excelente, de primera, genial
    to be no mean ser todo,-a un,-a
    transitive verb (pt & pp meant tr[ment])
    1 (signify, represent) significar, querer decir; (to be a sign of, indicate) ser señal de, significar
    what does "mug" mean? ¿qué significa "mug"?, ¿qué quiere decir "mug"?
    does the name "Curtis" mean anything to you? ¿el nombre "Curtis" te dice algo?
    2 (have in mind) pensar, tener pensado,-a, tener la intención de; (intend, wish) querer, pretender
    I never meant to hurt you nunca quise hacerte daño, nunca fue mi intención hacerte daño
    I meant to post it yesterday tenía la intención de enviarlo ayer, quería enviarlo ayer
    3 (involve, entail) suponer, implicar; (have as result) significar
    4 (refer to, intend to say) referirse a, querer decir; (be serious about) decir en serio
    do you mean me? ¿te refieres a mí?
    what do you mean by that? ¿qué quieres decir con eso?
    what do you mean you forgot? ¿cómo que se te olvidó?
    she said thirty, but she meant thirsty dijo treinta, pero quería decir sedienta
    5 (be important) significar
    you mean a lot to me significas mucho para mí, eres muy importante para mí
    to be meant for (be intended for) ser para 2 (be destined for) estar dirigido,-a a, ir dirigido,-a a
    to be meant to (to be supposed to) suponerse, deber, tener que 2 (to be fated) estar destinado,-a
    it was meant to happen tenía que pasar, el destino así lo quiso
    to mean well tener buenas intenciones
    mean ['mi:n] vt, meant ['mɛnt] ; meaning
    1) intend: querer, pensar, tener la intención de
    I didn't mean to do it: lo hice sin querer
    what do you mean to do?: ¿qué piensas hacer?
    2) signify: querer decir, significar
    what does that mean?: ¿qué quiere decir eso?
    3) : importar
    health means everything: lo que más importa es la salud
    mean adj
    1) humble: humilde
    2) negligible: despreciable
    it's no mean feat: no es poca cosa
    3) stingy: mezquino, tacaño
    4) cruel: malo, cruel
    to be mean to someone: tratar mal a alguien
    5) average, median: medio
    mean n
    1) midpoint: término m medio
    2) average: promedio m, media f aritmética
    3) means npl
    way: medio m, manera f, vía f
    4) means npl
    resources: medios mpl, recursos mpl
    by all means : por supuesto, cómo no
    by means of : por medio de
    by no means : de ninguna manera, de ningún modo
    abellacado, -a adj.
    canallesco, -a adj.
    malo, -a adj.
    mediano, -a adj.
    medio, -a adj.
    menguado, -a adj.
    mezquino, -a adj.
    miserable adj.
    prieto, -a adj.
    ruin adj.
    transido, -a adj.
    manera s.f.
    media (Matemática) s.f.
    medio s.m.
    promedio s.m.
    término medio s.m.
    (§ p.,p.p.: meant) = destinar v.
    entender v.
    querer decir v.
    significar v.

    I miːn
    transitive verb (past & past p meant)
    1) (represent, signify) \<\<word/symbol\>\> significar*, querer* decir

    to mean something TO somebody: does the number 0296 mean anything to you? ¿el número 0296 te dice algo?; fame means nothing/a lot to her — la fama la tiene sin cuidado/es muy importante para ella

    a) (refer to, intend to say) \<\<person\>\> querer* decir

    what do you mean? — ¿qué quieres decir (con eso)?

    do you know what I mean? — ¿me entiendes?, ¿me comprendes?

    he's Swedish, I mean, Swiss — es sueco, (qué) digo, suizo

    I know who you meanya sé de quién hablas or a quién te refieres

    what's that supposed to mean? — ¿a qué viene eso?

    b) ( be serious about) decir* en serio

    I mean it!va or lo digo en serio!

    3) (equal, entail) significar*

    to mean -ING: that would mean repainting the kitchen — eso supondría or implicaría volver a pintar la cocina

    a) ( intend)

    he didn't mean (you) any harm — no quiso hacerte daño, no lo hizo por mal

    to mean to + INF: I mean to succeed mi intención es triunfar, me propongo triunfar; I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it perdón, lo hice sin querer; I meant to do it but I forgot tenía toda la intención de hacerlo pero me olvidé; I've been meaning to talk to you hace tiempo que quiero hablar contigo; I meant it to be a surprise yo quería que fuera una sorpresa; the bullet was meant for me la bala iba dirigida a mí; we were meant for each other — estamos hechos el uno para el otro


    to be meant to + inf — (supposed, intended)

    you weren't meant to hear thatno pensaron (or pensé etc) que tú estarías escuchando

    1) ( miserly) < person> tacaño, mezquino; < portion> mezquino, miserable
    a) (unkind, nasty) malo
    b) ( excellent) (esp AmE sl) genial, fantástico
    3) (inferior, humble) (liter) humilde

    that's no mean feat/achievement — no es poca cosa, no es moco de pavo (fam)

    4) ( Math) (before n) medio

    noun media f, promedio m; see also means

    adverb (AmE colloq & dial)

    ADJ (compar meaner) (superl meanest)
    1) (=stingy) tacaño, agarrado *, amarrete (And, S. Cone) *

    you mean thing! — ¡qué tacaño eres!

    2) (=nasty) malo

    don't be mean! — ¡no seas malo!

    you mean thing! — ¡qué malo eres!

    a mean trick — una jugarreta, una mala pasada

    you were mean to mete portaste fatal or muy mal conmigo

    3) (=vicious) malo
    4) (=of poor quality) inferior; (=shabby) humilde, vil; (=humble) [birth] humilde, pobre
    5) (US) formidable, de primera

    II [miːn]
    N (=middle term) término m medio; (=average) promedio m ; (Math) media f

    the golden or happy mean — el justo medio

    ADJ medio

    mean life — (Phys) vida f media

    (pt, pp meant) VT
    1) [word, sign] (=signify) significar, querer decir

    what does this word mean? — ¿qué significa or quiere decir esta palabra?

    "vest" means something different in America — en América "vest" tiene otro significado or significa otra cosa

    you know what it means to hit a policeman? — ¿usted sabe qué consecuencias trae el golpear a un policía?

    what do you mean by that? — ¿qué quieres decir con eso?

    it means a lot to have you with us — significa mucho tenerte con nosotros

    the name means nothing to me — el nombre no me suena

    the play didn't mean a thing to me — no saqué nada en claro de la obra

    know 1., 4)
    2) [person]
    a) (=imply) querer decir; (=refer to) referirse a

    what do you mean? — ¿qué quieres decir?

    18, I mean 19 — 18, digo 19

    do you mean me? — ¿te refieres a mí?

    b) (=signify) significar

    don't I mean anything to you? — ¿no significo yo nada para ti?

    c) (=be determined about)

    you can't mean it! — ¡no lo dirás en serio!

    d) (=intend)

    what do you mean to do? — ¿qué piensas hacer?

    I meant to help — pensaba ayudar, tenía la intención de ayudar

    I mean to have itpienso or me propongo obtenerlo

    sorry, I didn't mean you to do it — lo siento, mi intención no era que lo hicieras tú

    I meant it as a joke — lo dije en broma

    was the remark meant for me? — ¿el comentario iba por mí?

    I meant no harm by what I said — no lo dije con mala intención

    3) (=suppose) suponer

    to be meant to do sth, it's meant to be a good car — este coche se supone que es bueno

    this portrait is meant to be Anne — este retrato es de Anne, aunque no lo parezca

    I wasn't meant to work for my living! — ¡yo no estoy hecho para trabajar!

    you're not meant to drink it! — ¡no es para beber!

    * * *

    I [miːn]
    transitive verb (past & past p meant)
    1) (represent, signify) \<\<word/symbol\>\> significar*, querer* decir

    to mean something TO somebody: does the number 0296 mean anything to you? ¿el número 0296 te dice algo?; fame means nothing/a lot to her — la fama la tiene sin cuidado/es muy importante para ella

    a) (refer to, intend to say) \<\<person\>\> querer* decir

    what do you mean? — ¿qué quieres decir (con eso)?

    do you know what I mean? — ¿me entiendes?, ¿me comprendes?

    he's Swedish, I mean, Swiss — es sueco, (qué) digo, suizo

    I know who you meanya sé de quién hablas or a quién te refieres

    what's that supposed to mean? — ¿a qué viene eso?

    b) ( be serious about) decir* en serio

    I mean it!va or lo digo en serio!

    3) (equal, entail) significar*

    to mean -ING: that would mean repainting the kitchen — eso supondría or implicaría volver a pintar la cocina

    a) ( intend)

    he didn't mean (you) any harm — no quiso hacerte daño, no lo hizo por mal

    to mean to + INF: I mean to succeed mi intención es triunfar, me propongo triunfar; I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it perdón, lo hice sin querer; I meant to do it but I forgot tenía toda la intención de hacerlo pero me olvidé; I've been meaning to talk to you hace tiempo que quiero hablar contigo; I meant it to be a surprise yo quería que fuera una sorpresa; the bullet was meant for me la bala iba dirigida a mí; we were meant for each other — estamos hechos el uno para el otro


    to be meant to + inf — (supposed, intended)

    you weren't meant to hear thatno pensaron (or pensé etc) que tú estarías escuchando

    1) ( miserly) < person> tacaño, mezquino; < portion> mezquino, miserable
    a) (unkind, nasty) malo
    b) ( excellent) (esp AmE sl) genial, fantástico
    3) (inferior, humble) (liter) humilde

    that's no mean feat/achievement — no es poca cosa, no es moco de pavo (fam)

    4) ( Math) (before n) medio

    noun media f, promedio m; see also means

    adverb (AmE colloq & dial)

    English-spanish dictionary > mean

  • 5 mean

    mi:n I adjective
    1) (not generous (with money etc): He's very mean (with his money / over pay).) gjerrig, gnien
    2) (likely or intending to cause harm or annoyance: It is mean to tell lies.) gemen; dårlig gjort
    3) ((especially American) bad-tempered, vicious or cruel: a mean mood.) ondskapsfull
    4) ((of a house etc) of poor quality; humble: a mean dwelling.) simpel, ussel, tarvelig
    - meanness
    - meanie
    II 1. adjective
    1) ((of a statistic) having the middle position between two points, quantities etc: the mean value on a graph.) middel-
    2) (average: the mean annual rainfall.) middel-, gjennomsnitts-
    2. noun
    (something that is midway between two opposite ends or extremes: Three is the mean of the series one to five.) middel(tall)
    III 1. past tense, past participle - meant; verb
    1) (to (intend to) express, show or indicate: `Vacation' means `holiday'; What do you mean by (saying/doing) that?) bety; mene
    2) (to intend: I meant to go to the exhibition but forgot; For whom was that letter meant?; He means (= is determined) to be a rich man some day.) ha i tankene, akte
    2. adjective
    ((of a look, glance etc) showing a certain feeling or giving a certain message: The teacher gave the boy a meaning look when he arrived late.) megetsigende
    - meaningless
    - be meant to
    - mean well
    subst. \/miːn\/
    1) ( gammeldags) middel
    2) middelvei
    3) ( matematikk eller statistikk) middeltall, gjennomsnitt, gjennomsnittstall
    the mean of 3,5 and 7 is 5
    middeltallet av 3,5 og 7 er 5
    by fair means or foul med det onde eller det gode, for enhver pris
    the golden mean den gylne middelvei
    strike the golden mean gå den gylne middelvei
    there is a mean in all things måtehold er en dyd
    ways and means seway, 1
    verb ( meant - meant) \/miːn\/
    1) bety
    2) innebære, være ensbetydende med
    it means that...
    det betyr at \/ det innebærer at
    does the name mean anything to you?
    what is meant by that word?
    hva menes med det ordet? \/ hva betyr det ordet?
    what does all this mean?
    hva er meningen med alt dette?\/hva skal alt dette bety?
    3) mene, ville
    han gjør alt i beste hensikt \/ han mener alt godt
    4) akte, ha i sinne, ha til hensikt
    5) være beregnet på, være myntet på, gjelde
    det var tenkt som garasje\/(det var meningen) det skulle bli garasje
    what is this meant to be?
    6) mene, sikte til, tilsikte
    you don't mean it!
    det mener du ikke!\/det kan du ikke mene!
    you don't mean to say that...
    du mener vel ikke å si at...
    do you mean me?
    er det meg du mener?\/sikter du til meg?
    I mean to say! ( hverdagslig) det er jo det jeg mener! jo, jeg mener det!
    mean by mene med
    what do you mean by that?
    meant for forutbestemt for
    say one thing and mean another si en ting og mene noe annet
    adj. \/miːn\/
    1) ( spesielt vitenskapelig) middel-, gjennomsnitts-, gjennomsnittlig
    2) ( gammeldags) mellom-, middelmådig, måtelig
    adj. \/miːn\/
    1) gjerrig, påholden, smålig
    2) ussel, lav, simpel, ond, gemen, nedrig, lumpen, ufin
    3) ringe, simpel, vulgær
    4) lurvet, tarvelig, vemmelig
    5) (amer.) ondskapsfull, slem, ekkel
    6) (amer., slang) besværlig, vanskelig, vrang
    feel mean ( hverdagslig) føle seg elendig føle seg liten, være flau

    English-Norwegian dictionary > mean

  • 6 querer

    1 to want.
    quiero una bicicleta I want a bicycle
    ¿quieren ustedes algo más? would you like anything else?
    haz lo que quieras do what you want o like, do as you please o like
    querer que alguien haga algo to want somebody to do something
    quiero que lo hagas tú I want you to do it
    queremos que las cosas te vayan bien we want things to go well for you
    quisiera hacerlo, pero… I'd like to do it, but…
    ¡qué quieres que haga! what am I supposed to do?
    qué quieres que te diga, a mí me parece caro to be honest, it seems expensive to me, what can I say? it seems expensive to me
    ven cuando quieras come whenever you like o want
    no me voy porque no quiero I'm not going because I don't want to
    queriendo on purpose
    sin querer accidentally
    querer decir to mean
    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?
    querer es poder where there's a will there's a way
    Quiero paz I want peace.
    Quiero un taxi I need a taxi.
    2 to love.
    te quiero I love you
    Yo quiero a mi esposo I love my husband.
    3 to want to, to be willing to, to desire to, to have a desire to.
    Quiero estudiar I want to study.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, queréis, quieren.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    quiera, quieras, quiera, queramos, queráis, quieran.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    quiere (tú), quiera (él/Vd.), queramos (nos.), quered (vos.), quieran (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    2) love
    3) like
    * * *
    Para la expresión querer decir, ver la otra entrada.
    1) [a una persona] (=amar) to love; (=apreciar) to like

    ¡te quiero! — I love you!

    no estoy enamorado, pero la quiero mucho — I'm not in love with her, but I'm very fond of her

    me quiere... no me quiere — [deshojando una margarita] she loves me... she loves me not

    querer [bien] a algn — to want the best for sb

    [hacerse] querer por algn — to endear o.s. to sb

    querer [mal] a algn — to wish sb ill

    la quiere como a la niña de sus ojos — she's the apple of his eye, he dotes on her

    2) (=desear)
    a) [+ objeto] to want

    ¿cuál quieres? — which one do you want?

    ¿qué más quieres? — (lit) what else do you want?; iró what more do you want?

    hace lo que quiere — she does what she wants {o} as she pleases

    se lo di, pero no lo quiso — I gave it to him, but he didn't want (to take) it

    ¡lo que quieras! — as you wish!, have it your own way!

    ¿quieres un café? — would you like some coffee?

    querer [pelea] — to be looking for trouble

    [todo] lo que tú quieras, será muy feo y todo lo que tú quieras, pero es muy buena persona — he may be ugly and all that, but he's a very nice person

    b) + infin to want

    ¿qué quieres comer hoy? — what would you like for dinner today?

    no quiso pagar — he refused to pay, he wouldn't pay


    querer [que] algn haga algo — to want sb to do sth

    la tradición quiere que... — tradition has it that...

    este quiere que le rompan la cabeza* this guy is asking to get his head kicked in *

    ¿quieres que me crea que tú solo te has bebido todo el whisky? — are you asking me to believe that you drank all the whisky by yourself?

    ¿qué quieres que te [diga]? — what can I say?

    ¿qué quieres que le [haga]?, si se va por ahí sin hacer caso, ¿qué quieres que le haga? — if he goes off without taking any notice, what am I supposed to do {o} what can I do about it?

    si estudio y no apruebo, ¿qué quieres que le haga? — if I study and still don't pass, what can I do?

    ¡[qué más] quisiera yo! — if only I could!

    ¿qué más quisiera yo que ver juntos a mis hijos? — what more could I wish for {o} want than to see my children together?

    3) (=tener intención de)
    + infin

    al querer abrir la botella, saltó el tapón — the cork exploded while she was trying to open the bottle

    4) [pidiendo algo]

    quería dos kilos de patatas, por favor — I'd like two kilos of potatoes, please, could I have two kilos of potatoes, please?

    ¿quieres darme tu nueva dirección? — would {o} could you give me your new address?

    ¿querría participar en nuestra oferta? — would you like to take advantage of our offer?

    ¿cuánto quieren por el coche? — what are they asking for the car?, how much do they want for the car?

    5) (=requerir)

    ¿para qué me querrá? — I wonder what he wants me for?, what can he want me for?

    6) [uso impersonal]
    1) (=desear)

    ¿quieres? — [ofreciendo algo] do you want some?, would you like some?

    -¿quieres casarte conmigo? -sí, quiero — "will you marry me?" - "yes, I will"

    -¿puedes enviar tú el correo? -como usted quiera — "could you take the post?" - "as you wish"

    mientras el jefe no quiera, no hay nada que hacer — as long as the boss is opposed, there's nothing to be done {o} nothing we can do about it

    ven [cuando] quieras — come whenever you like

    como quiere —

    ¡está como quiere! — Esp ** she's a bit of all right! **

    quieras o no, eso cambiará nuestras vidas — whether you like it or not, that's going to change our lives

    con el cambio de trabajo, quieras que no, se ha animado un poco — you may agree or disagree, but the fact is he's perked up a bit since he changed jobs

    2) (=tener intención)

    lo hizo queriendo — he did it deliberately {o} on purpose

    lo hizo sin querer — he didn't mean to do it, he did it inadvertently

    * * *
    masculino love
    II 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( amar) to love

    se hace querer — she/he endears herself/himself to people

    me quiere, no me quiere — ( al deshojar una margarita) she loves me, she loves me not

    por lo que más quieras! — for pity's sake!, for God's sake!

    a) (expresando deseo, intención, voluntad)

    quisiera una cerveza/habitación doble — I'd like a beer/double room

    ¿qué más quieres? — what more do you want?

    hazlo cuando/como quieras — do it whenever/however you like

    quiera o no quiera — whether she/he likes it or not

    será muy listo y todo lo que tú quieras, pero... — he may be very smart and all that, but...

    tráemelo mañana ¿quieres? — bring it tomorrow, will you?

    querer + INF — to want to + inf

    querer QUE alguien+ SUBJ — to want somebody to + inf

    ¿y qué querías que hiciera? — so what did you expect me to do o what was I supposed to do?

    qué quieres que te diga...! — quite honestly o frankly...

    ¿quieres un café/algo de beber? — would you like o (less frml) do you want a coffee/something to drink?

    querer + INF: ¿quieres pasarme el pan? could you pass me the bread, please?; ¿querrías hacerme un favor? would you mind doing me a favor?; ¿te quieres callar? — be quiet, will you?

    como quiera que haya sido... — whatever happened o it doesn't matter what happened...

    queriendo: lo hizo queriendo she/he did it on purpose o deliberately; sin querer accidentally; perdona, fue sin querer sorry, it was an accident o I didn't mean to; querer decir to mean; ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?; está como quiere! — (Esp, Méx fam) (es muy guapo, guapa) he's/she's hot stuff! (colloq); ( tiene mucha suerte) some people have got it made (colloq)

    querer algo POR algo: ¿cuánto quieres por el coche? — how much do you want o are you asking for the car?

    quererse v pron (recípr)

    se quieren como hermanos — they're so close, they're like brothers

    * * *
    = want, be after, wanna [want to].
    Nota: Contracción de want to usada en el lenguaje coloquial.
    Ex. On other occasions a user wants every document or piece of information on a topic traced, and then high recall must be sought, to the detriment of precision.
    Ex. Silas H Berry told his colleagues at the New York Library Club: 'It is so hard to get a reader to tell what he is really after'.
    Ex. When McCall finished his book by saying, 'It makes me wanna holler and throw up my hands,' he almost described my reaction perfectly.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * cuantas veces se quiera = any number of times.
    * cuantos + Nombre + se quiera = any number of + Nombre.
    * dos no se pelean si uno no quiere = it takes two to tangle, it takes two to tango, it takes two to make a quarrel.
    * enterarse de lo que Uno quiere decir = get + Posesivo + drift.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * expresar lo que Uno quiere decir = make + Posesivo + point.
    * hacer lo que Uno quiera = get away with + murder.
    * hacerse querer = endear.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no queriendo + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * ¡Por lo que más quieras! = for God's sake.
    * que quiere(n) = of + Posesivo + choosing, of + Posesivo + choice.
    * queramos o no = like it or not, like them or not.
    * querer decir = mean.
    * querer el oro y el moro = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * quererlo todo = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * querer tenerlo todo = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * querer tetas y sopas = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * quien algo quiere algo le cuesta = no pain, no gain.
    * quien quiera peces que se moje el culo = you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
    * quiera Dios que = God willing.
    * si Dios quiere = God willing.
    * siempre querer más = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * si se quiere que + Nombre + sea = if + Nombre + be + to be.
    * * *
    masculino love
    II 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( amar) to love

    se hace querer — she/he endears herself/himself to people

    me quiere, no me quiere — ( al deshojar una margarita) she loves me, she loves me not

    por lo que más quieras! — for pity's sake!, for God's sake!

    a) (expresando deseo, intención, voluntad)

    quisiera una cerveza/habitación doble — I'd like a beer/double room

    ¿qué más quieres? — what more do you want?

    hazlo cuando/como quieras — do it whenever/however you like

    quiera o no quiera — whether she/he likes it or not

    será muy listo y todo lo que tú quieras, pero... — he may be very smart and all that, but...

    tráemelo mañana ¿quieres? — bring it tomorrow, will you?

    querer + INF — to want to + inf

    querer QUE alguien+ SUBJ — to want somebody to + inf

    ¿y qué querías que hiciera? — so what did you expect me to do o what was I supposed to do?

    qué quieres que te diga...! — quite honestly o frankly...

    ¿quieres un café/algo de beber? — would you like o (less frml) do you want a coffee/something to drink?

    querer + INF: ¿quieres pasarme el pan? could you pass me the bread, please?; ¿querrías hacerme un favor? would you mind doing me a favor?; ¿te quieres callar? — be quiet, will you?

    como quiera que haya sido... — whatever happened o it doesn't matter what happened...

    queriendo: lo hizo queriendo she/he did it on purpose o deliberately; sin querer accidentally; perdona, fue sin querer sorry, it was an accident o I didn't mean to; querer decir to mean; ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?; está como quiere! — (Esp, Méx fam) (es muy guapo, guapa) he's/she's hot stuff! (colloq); ( tiene mucha suerte) some people have got it made (colloq)

    querer algo POR algo: ¿cuánto quieres por el coche? — how much do you want o are you asking for the car?

    quererse v pron (recípr)

    se quieren como hermanos — they're so close, they're like brothers

    * * *
    = want, be after, wanna [want to].
    Nota: Contracción de want to usada en el lenguaje coloquial.

    Ex: On other occasions a user wants every document or piece of information on a topic traced, and then high recall must be sought, to the detriment of precision.

    Ex: Silas H Berry told his colleagues at the New York Library Club: 'It is so hard to get a reader to tell what he is really after'.
    Ex: When McCall finished his book by saying, 'It makes me wanna holler and throw up my hands,' he almost described my reaction perfectly.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * cuantas veces se quiera = any number of times.
    * cuantos + Nombre + se quiera = any number of + Nombre.
    * dos no se pelean si uno no quiere = it takes two to tangle, it takes two to tango, it takes two to make a quarrel.
    * enterarse de lo que Uno quiere decir = get + Posesivo + drift.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * expresar lo que Uno quiere decir = make + Posesivo + point.
    * hacer lo que Uno quiera = get away with + murder.
    * hacerse querer = endear.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no queriendo + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * ¡Por lo que más quieras! = for God's sake.
    * que quiere(n) = of + Posesivo + choosing, of + Posesivo + choice.
    * queramos o no = like it or not, like them or not.
    * querer decir = mean.
    * querer el oro y el moro = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * querer es poder = where there's a will there's a way.
    * quererlo todo = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * querer tenerlo todo = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * querer tetas y sopas = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * quien algo quiere algo le cuesta = no pain, no gain.
    * quien quiera peces que se moje el culo = you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
    * quiera Dios que = God willing.
    * si Dios quiere = God willing.
    * siempre querer más = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * si se quiere que + Nombre + sea = if + Nombre + be + to be.

    * * *
    sufre por culpa de un querer he is suffering because of an unhappy love affair
    las penas del querer the pangs of love
    ¡niña de mi querer! my dear child!
    querer2 [ E24 ]
    A (amar) to love
    me gusta, pero no lo quiero I like him, but I don't love him o I'm not in love with him
    quiere mucho a sus sobrinos/su país he loves his nephews/his country very much
    quiere con locura a su nieta she absolutely dotes on her granddaughter
    es una persona que se hace querer he's the sort of person who endears himself to you
    sus alumnos lo quieren mucho his pupils are very fond of him, he's well liked by his pupils
    me quiere, no me quiere (al deshojar una margarita) she loves me, she loves me not
    ¡por lo que más quieras! ¡no me abandones! for pity's sake o for God's sake! don't leave me!
    ¡Antonio, por lo que más quieras! ¡baja el volumen! Antonio, turn the volume down, for heaven's sake o for goodness sake!
    querer bien a algn to be fond of sb, care about sb
    querer mal a algn to have it in for sb ( colloq)
    quien bien te quiere te hará llorar sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind
    (expresando deseo, intención, voluntad): quiere un tren para su cumpleaños he wants a train for his birthday
    ¿que querían, chicas? can I help you, girls?, what can I do for you, girls?
    quería un kilo de uvas I'd like a kilo of grapes
    quisiera una habitación doble I'd like a double room
    no sabe lo que quiere she doesn't know what she wants
    haz lo que quieras do as you like, do as you please
    ¿qué más quieres? what more do you want?
    ¿cuándo/cómo lo podemos hacer? — cuando/como tú quieras when/how can we do it? — whenever/however you like o any time/any way you like
    ¿nos vemos a las siete? — como quieras shall we meet at seven? — if you like
    quiera o no quiera, tendrá que hacerlo he'll have to do it, whether he likes it or not
    iba a llamar al médico pero él no quiso I was going to call the doctor but he wouldn't let me o he said no
    ¿quieres por esposo a Diego Sosa Díaz? — sí, quiero will/do you take Diego Sosa Díaz to be your lawfully wedded husband? — I will/do
    ¿qué querrán esta vez? I wonder what they want this time
    será muy listo y todo lo que tú quieras, pero es insoportable he may be very smart and all that, but personally I can't stand him
    tráemelo mañana ¿quieres? bring it tomorrow, will you?
    dejemos esto para otro día ¿quieres? let's leave this for another day, shall we o can we?
    querer + INF to want to + INF
    ¿quiere usted hacer algún comentario? do you want to o ( frml) do you wish to make any comment?
    no sé si querrá hacerlo I don't know if she'll want to do it o if she'll do it
    hacía tiempo que quería decírselo I'd been meaning/wanting to tell him for some time
    quisiera reservar una mesa para dos I'd like to book a table for two
    quisiera poder ayudarte I wish I could help you
    ¡ya quisiera yo estar en su lugar! I'd change places with him any day!
    no creo que quiera prestártelo I don't think she'll (be willing to) lend it to you
    cuando se quiera dar cuenta será demasiado tarde by the time he realizes it'll be too late
    nosotros nos fuimos temprano pero él quiso quedarse we left early but he stayed/decided to stay/ wanted to stay/chose to stay
    no quiso escuchar razones he wouldn't listen to reason
    no quiso comer nada she wouldn't eat anything, she refused to eat anything
    quería hacerlo sola pero no habría podido she wanted to do it on her own but she wouldn't have been able to
    quiso hacerlo sola pero no pudo she tried to do it on her own but she couldn't
    querer QUE algn/algo + SUBJ to want sb/sth to + INF
    quisiera que alguien me explicara por qué could someone please explain why?
    ¿qué quieres que traiga? what do you want o what would you like me to bring?
    ¿por qué lo dejaste entrar? — ¿qué querías que hiciera? why did you let him in? — what did you expect me to do o what was I supposed to do?
    quiso que nos quedáramos a cenar y no tuvimos más remedio she insisted we stay for dinner and we couldn't say no o we couldn't refuse
    ¿tú quieres que acabemos en la cárcel? do you want us to end up in jail?, are you trying to get us put in jail?
    la etiqueta quiere que uno lleve sombrero etiquette requires one to wear a hat
    su teoría quiere que … his theory has it that …
    querer es poder where there's a will there's a way
    2 ( en locs):
    (ya que, como) ( liter) since
    como quiera que haya sido, creo que deberías disculparte whatever happened o it doesn't matter what happened, I still think you should apologize
    ¡qué quieres que te diga …! quite honestly o frankly …
    ¡qué quieres que (le) haga! what can you do?
    ya sé que no debería fumar, pero no puedo dejarlo ¡qué quieres que le haga! I know I shouldn't smoke but well, what can you do? I can't give up
    quieras que no ( fam): quieras que no, ha ido mejorando desde que fue al curandero believe it or not, she's been getting better ever since she went to see that faith healer
    la decisión, quieras que no, nos va a afectar a todos whether we like it or not, the decision is going to affect us all, there's no getting away from the fact that the decision is going to affect us all
    quieras que no, yo he notado la diferencia I have to say o admit that it's made a difference
    el quiero y no puedo: con ese quiero y no puedo inspiran hasta lástima it's rather pathetic how they're always trying to be something they aren't
    ¡está como quiere! (Esp, Méx fam); (es muy guapo, guapa) he's/she's hot stuff! ( colloq), he's/she's a bit of all right! ( BrE colloq); (tiene mucha suerte) some people have got it made ( colloq)
    (al ofrecer algo): ¿quieres algo de beber? would you like o ( less frml) do you want something to drink?
    ¿quieres pasarme el pan? could you pass me the bread, please?
    ¿querrías hacerme un favor? would you mind doing me a favor?
    ¿te quieres callar? will you be quiet?, be quiet, will you?
    ¿quieres hacerme el favor de no interrumpirme? would you please stop interrupting me?
    ¿quieres decirme qué has hecho con mi abrigo? would you mind telling me what you've done with my coat?
    5 (como precio) querer algo POR algo:
    ¿cuánto quieres por el coche? how much do you want o are you asking for the car?
    queriendo/sin querer: estoy segura de que lo hizo queriendo I'm sure he did it on purpose o deliberately
    perdona, fue sin querer sorry, it was an accident o I didn't mean to
    no te pongas así, lo hizo sin querer don't be like that, he didn't do it deliberately o on purpose
    querer decir to mean
    ¿qué quiere decir `democracia'? what does `democracy' mean?
    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?
    (referido a cosas inanimadas): el coche no quiere arrancar the car won't start
    el destino quiso que se volvieran a encontrar they were destined to meet again
    parece que quiere llover/nevar it looks as if it's going to rain/snow, it looks like rain/snow
    hace horas que quiere salir el sol the sun's been trying to break through for hours
    se quieren como hermanos they're like brothers
    hombre, si se quieren ¿por qué no han de casarse? well, if they love each other, why shouldn't they get married?
    * * *


    querer ( conjugate querer) verbo transitivo ( amar) to love;

    sus alumnos lo quieren mucho his pupils are very fond of him;
    ¡por lo que más quieras! for pity's sake!, for God's sake!
    a) (expresando deseo, intención, voluntad):

    quisiera una habitación doble I'd like a double room;
    ¿qué más quieres? what more do you want?;
    hazlo cuando/como quieras do it whenever/however you like;
    iba a hacerlo pero él no quiso I was going to do it but he didn't want me to;
    tráemelo mañana ¿quieres? bring it tomorrow, will you?;
    no quiero I don't want to;
    quiero ir I want to go;
    quisiera reservar una mesa I'd like to book a table;
    quisiera poder ayudarte I wish I could help you;
    no quiso comer nada she wouldn't eat anything;
    quiero que estudies más I want you to study harder;
    ¡qué quieres que te diga …! quite honestly o frankly …;
    el destino así lo quiso it was destined to be;
    querer es poder where there's a will there's a way

    ¿quieres un café? would you like a coffee?;

    ( menos formal) do you want a coffee?

    ¿querrías hacerme un favor? could you do me a favor?;

    ¿te quieres callar? be quiet, will you?
    2 ( en locs)

    donde quiera que wherever;
    queriendo ( adrede) on purpose, deliberately;
    sin querer accidentally;
    fue sin querer it was an accident;
    querer decir to mean;
    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?
    3 ( como precio):
    ¿cuánto quieres por el coche? how much do you want o are you asking for the car?

    quererse verbo pronominal ( recípr):

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (a alguien) to love
    2 (algo) to want, wish ➣ Ver nota en want
    3 (intención, ruego, ofrecimiento) to like: ¿quieres otra taza de té?, would you like another cup of tea?
    ¿quieres callarte?, will you shut up?
    II sustantivo masculino love, affection
    ♦ Locuciones: quieras o no, tendrás que oírme, you'll have to listen to me, whether you want to or not
    querer decir, to mean
    ser algo un quiero y no puedo, to try to make people think that one is more affluent than one actually is
    como quiera que, since: como quiera que no pueden vernos, no saben qué aspecto tenemos, since they can't see us, they don't know what we look like
    sin querer, unintentionally, by accident

    ' querer' also found in these entries:
    - berrido
    - decir
    - desabrocharse
    - desear
    - significar
    - gustar
    - ofrecer
    - pisar
    - pisotón
    - querré
    - quiera
    - quise
    - sin
    - accidentally
    - attached
    - blurt out
    - cherish
    - chew
    - clear
    - delete
    - endear
    - fancy
    - feel
    - hand
    - like
    - love
    - mean
    - mistake
    - off
    - please
    - slip out
    - truck
    - unintentionally
    - unwittingly
    - want
    - will
    - wish
    - aim
    - care
    - denial
    - inadvertently
    - intend
    - unwilling
    - way
    * * *
    1. [amar] to love;
    te quiero I love you;
    lo quiero como a un hermano I love him like a brother;
    es muy querida por todo el mundo she is much loved by everyone;
    me quiere, no me quiere [deshojando margarita] she loves me, she loves me not;
    ¡por lo que más quieras, cállate! for heaven's sake shut up!;
    querer bien a alguien to care a lot about sb;
    querer mal a alguien to wish sb ill;
    quien bien te quiere te hará llorar you have to be cruel to be kind
    2. [desear] to want;
    quiero una bicicleta I want a bicycle;
    dime lo que quieres tell me what you want;
    lo único que quiero o [m5] todo lo que quiero es un poco de comprensión all I want o all I ask for is a little understanding;
    ¿qué es lo que quieres ahora? [con tono de enojo] what do you want now?, what is it now?;
    haz lo que quieras do what you want o like, do as you please o like;
    querer hacer algo to want to do sth;
    quiere explicártelo, te lo quiere explicar she wants to explain it to you;
    no quiso ayudarnos she didn't want to help us;
    era muy tarde pero tú querías quedarte it was very late, but you insisted on staying o would stay o you wanted to stay;
    quisiera informarme o [m5] que me informaran sobre vuelos a Nueva York I'd like some information about flights to New York;
    quisiera hacerlo, pero… I'd like to do it, but…;
    ¡eso quisiera yo saber! that's what I want to know!;
    ¡ya quisieran muchos tener tu suerte! a lot of people would be very grateful to be as lucky as you!;
    el maldito clavo no quiere salir the damn nail won't o refuses to come out;
    querer que alguien haga algo to want sb to do sth;
    quiero que lo hagas tú I want you to do it;
    querer que pase algo to want sth to happen;
    queremos que las cosas te vayan bien we want things to go well for you;
    el azar quiso que nos volviéramos a ver fate decreed that we should see each other again;
    como quien no quiere la cosa as if it were nothing;
    qué quieres que te diga, a mí me parece caro to be honest, it seems expensive to me, what can I say? it seems expensive to me;
    ¡qué quieres que haga! what am I supposed to do?;
    alto, guapo y todo lo que tú quieras, pero no me gusta sure, he's tall, handsome and all that, but I don't find him attractive;
    el que algo quiere, algo le cuesta no pain, no gain
    3. [en preguntas, ofrecimientos, ruegos] [con amabilidad]
    ¿quieren ustedes algo más/algo de postre? would you like anything else/anything for dessert?;
    ¿quieres un pitillo? do you want a cigarette?;
    ¿quiere decirle a su amigo que pase? could you tell your friend to come in, please?;
    ¿querrías explicarme qué ha pasado aquí? would you mind explaining what happened here?;
    ¿quieres por esposo a Francisco? do you take Francisco to be your lawfully wedded husband?
    4. [pedir]
    querer algo (por) to want sth (for);
    ¿cuánto quieres por la casa? how much do you want for the house?
    5. Irónico [dar motivos para]
    tú lo que quieres es que te pegue you're asking for a smack;
    ¿quieres que te atropelle el tren o qué? do you want to get run over by a train or something?
    6. [en naipes] [aceptar apuesta]
    quiero tus cinco mil I'll see your five thousand
    to want;
    ven cuando quieras come whenever you like o want;
    cuando quieras [estoy listo] ready when you are;
    no me voy porque no quiero I'm not going because I don't want to;
    si quieres, lo dejamos we can forget about it if you like;
    quieras o no, quieras que no (whether you) like it or not;
    pásame el martillo, ¿quieres? pass me the hammer, would you?;
    déjame en paz, ¿quieres? leave me alone, will you?;
    le pedí que lo dejara, pero que si quieres I asked him to stop, but would he?;
    queriendo on purpose;
    ha sido queriendo he did it on purpose;
    hacer algo sin querer to do sth accidentally;
    lo siento, ha sido sin querer sorry, it was an accident;
    querer decir to mean;
    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?;
    ¿sabes lo que quiere decir “procrastination”? do you know what “procrastination” means?;
    “NB” quiere decir “nota bene” “NB” stands for “nota bene”;
    está como quiere [es guapísimo] he's gorgeous;
    [en una situación ideal] he's got it made;
    querer es poder where there's a will there's a way
    v impersonal
    [haber atisbos de]
    parece que quiere llover it looks like rain
    [amor] love;
    las cosas del querer matters of the heart
    * * *
    1 v/t
    1 ( desear) want;
    quisiera … I would like …;
    quieras que no … like it or not …;
    sin querer unintentionally
    2 ( amar) love;
    querer bien a alguien be fond of s.o.;
    querer mal a alguien not care for s.o.;
    por lo que más quieras for pity’s sake, for the love of God
    3 ( esperar)
    ¡qué más quieres! what more do you want o expect!;
    ¿qué quieres que (le) haga? what do you expect me to do?
    quiere decir it means;
    ¡que si quieres! irón no way!
    2 m love
    * * *
    querer {64} vt
    1) desear: to want, to desire
    quiere ser profesor: he wants to be a teacher
    ¿cuánto quieres por esta computadora?: how much do you want for this computer?
    2) : to love, to like, to be fond of
    te quiero: I love you
    ¿quieres pasarme la leche?: please pass the milk
    querer decir : to mean
    sin querer : unintentionally
    querer vi
    : like, want
    si quieras: if you like
    querer nm
    : love, affection
    * * *
    querer vb
    1. (desear) to want
    En inglés I want resulta demasiado directo si queremos pedir algo con educación. En estos casos se suele decir I'd like con please
    I'd like a kilo of potatoes, please quiero un kilo de patatas
    Para pedir que alguien haga algo, se dice could you o would you con please
    could you pass me the salt, please? ¿quieres acercarme la sal?
    would you please be quiet? ¿quieres callarte?
    could you close the door, please? cierra la puerta, ¿quieres?
    2. (amar) to love
    lo hice sin querer I didn't mean to do it / it was an accident
    querer decir to mean [pt. & pp. meant]
    ¿qué quiere decir "chance"? what does "chance" mean?
    ¿qué quieres decir con eso? what do you mean by that?

    Spanish-English dictionary > querer

  • 7 think

    1. transitive verb,
    1) (consider) meinen

    we think [that] he will come — wir denken od. glauben, dass er kommt

    we do not think it probablewir halten es nicht für wahrscheinlich

    he is thought to be a fraudman hält ihn für einen Betrüger

    what do you think?was meinst du?

    what do you think of or about him/it? — was hältst du von ihm/davon?

    I thought to myself... — ich dachte mir [im stillen]

    ..., don't you think? —..., findest od. meinst du nicht auch?

    where do you think you are? — was glaubst du eigentlich, wo du bist?

    who does he/she think he/she is? — für wen od. wofür hält er/sie sich eigentlich?

    you or one or anyone would think that... — man sollte [doch] eigentlich annehmen, dass...

    I should think so/think not! — (indignant) das will ich meinen/das will ich nicht hoffen

    I thought as much or so — das habe ich mir schon gedacht

    yes, I think so too — ja, das finde ich auch (ugs.)

    I should think not!(no!) auf keinen Fall

    that'll be great fun, I don't think — (coll. iron.) das kann ja lustig werden (ugs. iron.)

    to think [that] he should treat me like this! — man sollte es nicht für möglich halten, dass er mich so behandelt!

    2) (coll.): (remember)

    think to do something — daran denken, etwas zu tun

    3) (imagine) sich (Dat.) vorstellen
    2. intransitive verb,
    1) [nach]denken

    we want to make the students thinkwir möchten die Studenten zum Denken bringen

    I need time to thinkich muss es mir erst überlegen

    think in Germanetc. deutsch usw. denken

    it makes you thinkes macht od. stimmt einen nachdenklich

    just think!stell dir das mal vor!

    think for oneselfsich (Dat.) seine eigene Meinung bilden

    think [to oneself]... — sich (Dat.) im stillen denken...

    let me thinklass [mich] mal nachdenken od. überlegen

    you'd better think again!da hast du dich aber geschnitten! (ugs.)

    think twicees sich (Dat.) zweimal überlegen

    this made her think twicedas gab ihr zu denken

    think twice about doing somethinges sich (Dat.) zweimal überlegen, ob man etwas tut

    think on one's feet(coll.) sich (Dat.) aus dem Stegreif etwas überlegen

    I think I'll tryich glaube od. denke, ich werde es versuchen

    we think we'll enter for the regatta — wir haben vor, an der Regatta teilzunehmen

    3. noun

    have a [good] think — es sich (Dat.) gut überlegen

    you have [got] another think coming! — da irrst du dich aber gewaltig!

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/92642/think_about">think about
    * * *
    [Ɵiŋk] 1. past tense, past participle - thought; verb
    1) ((often with about) to have or form ideas in one's mind: Can babies think?; I was thinking about my mother.) denken
    2) (to have or form opinions in one's mind; to believe: He thinks (that) the world is flat; What do you think of his poem?; What do you think about his suggestion?; He thought me very stupid.) halten für/von
    3) (to intend or plan (to do something), usually without making a final decision: I must think what to do; I was thinking of/about going to London next week.) überlegen
    4) (to imagine or expect: I never thought to see you again; Little did he think that I would be there as well.) (sich)denken
    2. noun
    (the act of thinking: Go and have a think about it.) der Gedanke
    - thinker
    - -thought-out
    - think better of
    - think highly
    - well
    - badly of
    - think little of / not think much of
    - think of
    - think out
    - think over
    - think twice
    - think up
    - think the world of
    * * *
    I. n no pl ( fam)
    to have a \think about sth sich dat etw überlegen, über etw akk nachdenken
    to have another \think coming auf dem Holzweg sein fam
    II. vi
    <thought, thought>
    1. (believe) denken, glauben, meinen
    yes, I \think so ich glaube [o denke] schon
    no, I don't \think so ich glaube [o denke] nicht
    2. (reason, have views/ideas) denken
    not everybody \thinks like you nicht jeder denkt wie du
    to \think logically logisch denken
    to \think positive optimistisch [o zuversichtlich] sein
    3. (consider to be, have an opinion)
    I want you to \think of me as a friend ich möchte, dass du mich als Freund siehst
    \think nothing of it! keine Ursache [o gern geschehen]!
    to \think fit [to do sth] es für richtig [o angebracht] halten[, etw zu tun]
    to \think oneself fortunate [or lucky] sich akk glücklich schätzen
    to \think highly [or well] of sb/sth viel von jdm/etw halten
    to \think little/nothing of sb/sth wenig/nichts von jdm/etw halten
    to not \think much of sb/sth auf jdn/etw nicht viel geben
    to not \think much of doing sth nicht [gerade] begeistert davon sein, etw zu tun
    to \think nothing of doing sth nichts dabei finden, etw zu tun
    4. (expect)
    to \think of sth an etw akk denken
    I thought as much! das habe ich mir schon gedacht!, nicht den Mut verlieren
    to \think of sth an etw akk denken
    what will they \think of next? was lassen sie sich wohl noch alles einfallen?
    how clever! I never thought of that! wie schlau! daran habe ich noch gar nicht gedacht!
    to \think of doing sth erwägen [o daran denken], etw zu tun
    we were \thinking of starting a family wir spielten mit dem Gedanken, eine Familie zu gründen
    to \think of sth sich dat etw ausdenken [o einfallen lassen]
    just a minute — I \think I've thought of something warte mal — ich glaube, ich habe da eine Idee
    why didn't I \think of it earlier! warum bloß bin ich nicht schon früher darauf gekommen!
    she couldn't \think what to do sie wusste nicht, was sie machen sollte
    to \think of an idea/a solution auf eine Idee/Lösung kommen
    I can't \think when/where/who... ich weiß nicht mehr, wann/wo/wer...
    I'm trying to \think when/where/who... ich überlege krampfhaft, wann/wo/wer...
    I can never \think of your surname ich vergesse immer deinen Nachnamen
    8. (reflect) [nach]denken, überlegen
    I'd \think again if I were you ich würde mir das an deiner Stelle noch einmal überlegen
    that'll give him something to \think about das sollte ihm zu denken geben
    \think fast! überleg [es dir] schnell!
    I haven't seen him for weeks, in fact, come to \think of it, since March ich habe ihn seit Wochen nicht mehr gesehen, wenn ich es mir recht überlege, seit März nicht
    sorry, I wasn't \thinking tut mir leid, da habe ich nicht [richtig] mitgedacht
    to \think better of sth sich dat etw anders überlegen
    to \think long and hard es sich dat reiflich überlegen
    to be unable to \think straight keinen klaren Gedanken fassen können
    to \think for oneself selbstständig denken, seine eigenen Entscheidungen treffen
    without \thinking gedankenlos, ohne nachzudenken
    to \think of sth sich dat etw vorstellen
    10. (have in one's mind)
    to \think of sb/sth an jdn/etw denken
    what are \thinking of [now]? woran denkst du [gerade]?
    11. (take into account)
    to \think of sth etw bedenken
    when you \think of how... wenn man bedenkt, wie...
    to \think big im großen Stil planen
    to be unable to hear oneself \think sein eigenes Wort nicht mehr verstehen
    III. vt
    <thought, thought>
    1. (hold an opinion)
    to \think sth etw denken [o glauben] [o meinen]
    what do you \think of [or about] Jane? wie findest du Jane?
    to \think the world of sb/sth große Stücke auf jdn/etw halten
    to \think that... denken [o glauben], dass...
    I \think she's stupid ich finde sie dumm
    it's thought that... man nimmt an, dass...
    to \think to oneself that... [bei] sich dat denken, dass...
    and I thought to myself, what a wonderful day! und ich dachte [leise] bei mir: was für ein wunderbarer Tag!
    to \think sb/sth [to be] sth jdn/etw für etw akk halten
    who do you \think you are? für wen hältst du dich eigentlich?
    he's thought to be a very rich man er gilt als sehr reicher Mann
    to \think it [un]likely that... es für [un]wahrscheinlich halten, dass...
    to \think sth etw denken
    who would have thought [that]...? wer hätte gedacht[, dass]...?
    who would have thought it? wer hätte das gedacht?
    I'm going out to play — that's what you \think! ( iron) ich gehe raus spielen — das denkst du aber auch nur!
    to \think that...:
    I \think I'll go for a walk ich denke, ich mache einen Spaziergang
    to \think to do sth daran denken, etw zu tun
    6. (find surprising, strange, foolish)
    to \think that... kaum zu glauben, dass...
    to \think [that] I loved him! kaum zu glauben, dass ich ihn einmal geliebt habe!
    to \think that I lent him all that money! kaum zu glauben, dass ich so dumm war, ihm so viel Geld zu leihen!
    to \think beautiful [or great] [or interesting] thoughts in Gedanken versunken sein
    to \think the world well lost BRIT den lieben Gott einen guten Mann sein lassen
    \think sb:
    she'll manage [\think Mrs Kern] sie wird es schaffen (denken wir doch nur mal an Frau Kern)
    * * *
    [ɵɪŋk] vb: pret, ptp thought
    1. vi

    think before you speak/act —

    so you think I'll give you the money? well, you'd better think again! — du denkst also, ich gebe dir das Geld? das hast du dir ( wohl) gedacht!

    stop and think before you make a big decision — denke in aller Ruhe nach, bevor du eine schwerwiegende or schwer wiegende Entscheidung triffst

    it's a good idea, don't you think? — es ist eine gute Idee, findest or meinst du nicht auch?

    just think, you too could be rich where was it? think, man, think! — stell dir vor or denk dir nur, auch du könntest reich sein wo war es?, denk doch mal nach!

    listen, I've been thinking,... — hör mal, ich habe mir überlegt...

    sorry, I just wasn't thinking — Entschuldigung, da habe ich geschlafen (inf)

    you just didn't think, did you? — da hast du dir nichts gedacht, oder?

    you just don't think, do you? (about other people) — du denkst auch immer nur an dich; (about consequences) was denkst du dir eigentlich?

    2. vt
    1) (= believe) denken; (= be of opinion) glauben, meinen, denken

    I think you'll find I'm right — ich glaube or denke, Sie werden zu der Überzeugung gelangen, dass ich recht habe

    I think it's too late —

    I think I can do it — ich glaube or denke, dass ich es schaffen kann

    well, I THINK it was there! — nun, ich glaube zumindest, dass es da war!

    and what do you think? asked the interviewer —

    you never know what he's thinking — ich weiß nie, was er (sich) denkt

    I think you'd better go/accept/be careful — ich denke, Sie gehen jetzt besser/Sie stimmen lieber zu/Sie wären besser vorsichtig

    well, I THINK he'll understand — na ja, ich nehme zumindest an, dass er das verstehen wird

    I don't think so, I shouldn't think so, I think not — ich denke or glaube nicht

    I'll take this one then – I think not, Mr Green — dann nehme ich dieses – das glaube ich kaum, Herr Green

    I hardly think/think it likely that... — ich glaube kaum/ich halte es nicht für wahrscheinlich, dass...

    one would have thought there was an easier answer —

    one would have thought you could have been more punctual — man könnte eigentlich erwarten, dass Sie etwas pünktlicher kommen

    one would have thought they'd have grasped it by now — man sollte eigentlich erwarten, dass sie das inzwischen begriffen haben

    what do you think I should do? —

    well, what do you think, shall we leave now? — nun, was meinst du, sollen wir jetzt gehen?

    I think I'll go for a walk — ich glaube, ich mache einen Spaziergang

    do you think you can manage? — glauben Sie, dass Sie es schaffen?


    (= consider) you must think me very rude —

    he thinks he's intelligent, he thinks himself intelligent — er hält sich für intelligent, er meint, er ist or sei intelligent

    3) (= imagine) sich (dat) denken, sich (dat) vorstellen

    I don't know what to think — ich weiß nicht, was ich davon halten soll

    that's what he thinkshat der eine Ahnung! (inf)

    who do you think you are! —

    you can't think how pleased I am to see youSie können sich (dat) (gar) nicht denken or vorstellen, wie froh ich bin, Sie zu sehen

    I can't think what he means! — ich kann mir (gar) nicht denken, was er meint; (iro also) was er damit bloß meinen kann or meint?

    anyone would think he was dying —

    one or you would think they'd already met — man könnte (geradezu) glauben or denken, sie seien alte Bekannte

    to think that she's only ten!wenn man bedenkt or sich (dat) vorstellt, dass sie erst zehn ist


    (= reflect) to think how to do sth — sich (dat) überlegen, wie man etw macht

    I was thinking (to myself) how ill he looked — ich dachte mir (im Stillen), dass er sehr krank aussah

    I never thought to ask you — ich habe gar nicht daran gedacht, Sie zu fragen


    (= expect, intend often neg or interrog) I didn't think to see you here — ich hätte nicht gedacht or erwartet, Sie hier zu treffen or dass ich Sie hier treffen würde

    I thought as much, I thought so — das habe ich mir schon gedacht

    3. n

    you've got another think coming ( Brit inf )da irrst du dich aber gewaltig (inf), da bist du aber auf dem Holzweg (inf)

    * * *
    think [θıŋk] prät und pperf thought [θɔːt]
    A v/t
    1. etwas denken:
    think base thoughts gemeine Gedanken hegen;
    you are only jealous. I should think I am ich habe auch allen Grund dazu;
    people often think they are twins die Leute halten sie oft für Zwillinge, sie werden oft für Zwillinge gehalten;
    who does he think he is? für wen hält der sich eigentlich?;
    think away (sich) jemanden, etwas wegdenken;
    a) sich etwas ausdenken,
    b) bes US a. think through ein Problem zu Ende denken;
    think over sich etwas überlegen oder durch den Kopf gehen lassen;
    I need some time to think it over ich brauche Bedenkzeit;
    think to o.s. that … bei sich denken, dass …;
    think up einen Plan etc aushecken, sich etwas ausdenken, sich etwas einfallen lassen
    2. überlegen, nachdenken über (akk)
    3. sich etwas denken oder vorstellen:
    I can’t think how you do it umg es ist mir schleierhaft, wie du das machst;
    I can’t think what his name is umg ich kann mich an seinen Namen nicht erinnern
    4. bedenken:
    think what your father has done for you!
    5. denken, meinen, glauben, vermuten ( alle:
    that dass):
    I thought he was a burglar ich hielt ihn für einen Einbrecher
    6. a) halten oder erachten für:
    I think him (he is thought) to be a poet ich halte (man hält) ihn für einen Dichter;
    he thought the lecture very interesting er fand die Vorlesung sehr interessant;
    think o.s. clever sich für schlau halten;
    I think it best to go now ich halte es für das Beste, jetzt zu gehen;
    think it advisable es für ratsam halten oder erachten;
    think sth possible etwas für möglich halten
    b) etwas halten (of von):
    what do you think of it? auch wie gefällt es dir?
    7. denken an (akk):
    the child thought no harm das Kind dachte an nichts Böses
    8. beabsichtigen, vorhaben, sich mit dem Gedanken tragen ( alle:
    to do zu tun):
    think (to do) no harm nichts Böses im Sinn haben
    B v/i
    1. denken (of, about an akk):
    a) vorausdenken,
    b) vorsichtig sein;
    think aloud, think out loud laut denken;
    all he ever thinks about is sex er hat nur Sex im Kopf;
    a) wenn ich es mir recht überlege,
    b) da fällt mir ein;
    think for o.s. selbstständig denken
    a) sich besinnen auf (akk), sich erinnern an (akk):
    b) auch think about etwas bedenken:
    think of it! denke daran!;
    I have my reputation to think about ich muss an meinen Ruf denken
    c) sich etwas denken oder vorstellen:
    think of o.s. as sich halten für
    d) einen Plan etc ersinnen, sich etwas ausdenken
    e) think of doing sth beabsichtigen oder vorhaben oder sich mit dem Gedanken tragen, etwas zu tun:
    think of marrying ans Heiraten denken;
    I shouldn’t think of doing such a thing so etwas würde mir nicht im Traum einfallen
    f) halten von: better1 C 1, much B, nothing Bes Redew, world Bes Redew
    3. überlegen, nachdenken (about, on, over über akk):
    I’ve been thinking ich habe nachgedacht;
    only think! denk dir nur!, stell dir nur vor!;
    that gave him sth to think about das gab ihm zu denken;
    I need some time to think about it ich brauche Bedenkzeit;
    think again on sth etwas noch einmal überdenken
    4. denken, glauben, meinen:
    he’s got more of it than he thinks er hat mehr davon, als er glaubt; so1 A 5
    C s umg
    a) (Nach)Denken n:
    have a (fresh) think about sth über etwas nachdenken (etwas noch einmal überdenken)
    b) Gedanke m:
    have another think coming schiefgewickelt sein umg
    D adj umg
    a) Denk…
    b) (geistig) anspruchsvoll
    * * *
    1. transitive verb,
    1) (consider) meinen

    we think [that] he will come — wir denken od. glauben, dass er kommt

    what do you think of or about him/it? — was hältst du von ihm/davon?

    I thought to myself... — ich dachte mir [im stillen]

    ..., don't you think? —..., findest od. meinst du nicht auch?

    where do you think you are? — was glaubst du eigentlich, wo du bist?

    who does he/she think he/she is? — für wen od. wofür hält er/sie sich eigentlich?

    you or one or anyone would think that... — man sollte [doch] eigentlich annehmen, dass...

    I should think so/think not! — (indignant) das will ich meinen/das will ich nicht hoffen

    I thought as much or so — das habe ich mir schon gedacht

    yes, I think so too — ja, das finde ich auch (ugs.)

    I should think not!(no!) auf keinen Fall

    that'll be great fun, I don't think — (coll. iron.) das kann ja lustig werden (ugs. iron.)

    to think [that] he should treat me like this! — man sollte es nicht für möglich halten, dass er mich so behandelt!

    2) (coll.): (remember)

    think to do something — daran denken, etwas zu tun

    3) (imagine) sich (Dat.) vorstellen
    2. intransitive verb,
    1) [nach]denken

    think in Germanetc. deutsch usw. denken

    it makes you thinkes macht od. stimmt einen nachdenklich

    think for oneselfsich (Dat.) seine eigene Meinung bilden

    think [to oneself]... — sich (Dat.) im stillen denken...

    let me think — lass [mich] mal nachdenken od. überlegen

    think twicees sich (Dat.) zweimal überlegen

    think twice about doing somethinges sich (Dat.) zweimal überlegen, ob man etwas tut

    think on one's feet(coll.) sich (Dat.) aus dem Stegreif etwas überlegen

    I think I'll tryich glaube od. denke, ich werde es versuchen

    we think we'll enter for the regatta — wir haben vor, an der Regatta teilzunehmen

    3. noun

    have a [good] think — es sich (Dat.) gut überlegen

    you have [got] another think coming! — da irrst du dich aber gewaltig!

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (of) v.
    denken (an) v.
    glauben v.
    meinen v. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: thought)
    = denken v.
    (§ p.,pp.: dachte, gedacht)
    meinen v.

    English-german dictionary > think

  • 8 VITA

    * * *
    (veit, vissa, vitaðr), v.
    1) to have sense, be conscious (hann var enn eigi ørendr, en vissi þó ekki);
    with gen., gráðugr halr, nema geðs viti, unless he has his senses about him;
    engi vissi skapara sinn, no one knew his maker;
    þeir er vel mart vitu, those who know many things;
    vita sik saklausan, to know oneself to be innocent;
    veizt þú, hvat þér man verða at bana, dost thou know what will be the cause of thy death?;
    vita skyn á e-m, to know one;
    Flosi kvaðst eigi vita skyn á, hverir lögmenn væri beztir, F. said that he knew nothing about who were the best lawyers;
    vita ván or vánir e-s, to expect, look for (G. vissi slíks matar þar ekki ván);
    vita fram, to be prescient, know the future;
    veit þat trúa min, upon my faith!;
    3) to see, try to find out (bað þá vita, hvat af Gretti yrði);
    vittu, ef þú hjálpir, see if thou canst help;
    vit, at þá náir sverði því, try to get that sword;
    4) to look, be turned towards;
    vita upp, fram, aptr, to look (be turned) upwards, forwards, backwards;
    vita móti sólu, at sjánum, to face the sun, the sea;
    vita til norðrættar, to look north;
    ormahöfuð öll vitu inn í húsit, all the heads of the serpents look into the hall;
    with gen., þeir fundu vínvið allt þar sem holta vissi, they found the vine wherever there was woodland;
    sökin veit til lands-laga, en ekki til Bjarkeyjar-réttar, the case comes under the country-law, and not under the town-law;
    6) to bode, betoken, with gen. (ekki vita slík orð lítils);
    þat mun eigi øngra tíðinda vita, this betokens no small tidings;
    7) to mean, have such and such bearing;
    hvat veit óp þetta, what means this shouting?;
    eigi veit þannig við, that is not the case;
    seg mér hit sanna, hversu við veit, how things stand;
    ok rœddu um þat, at nú mundi vel vita, that things were likely to take a good turn;
    8) with preps.:
    vita af e-u, to know of (ekki vissi á. af kaupi þeira);
    vita e-t eptir sér = vita e-t at sér (vita eptir sér slíkan glœp);
    vita e-t frá sér, to be conscious (sensible) of (ek var svá syfjaðr, at ek vissa fátt frá mér);
    vita e-t fyrir, to know beforehand (ørlög sín viti engi maðr fyrir);
    vita til e-s, vita til um e-t, to know of (ekki vissu landsmenn til um ferð Þórólfs);
    vita ekki til sín, vita ekki til manna, to have lost consciousness, one’s senses;
    recipr. to know of an another (þeir vissust jafnan til í hafinu);
    vita um e-t, to make inquiries about (fara at vita um e-t);
    to know about (eigi veit ek um gaman þetta);
    vita e-t við e-n, to get to know a thing, from one (mun ek vita við skipverja mina, hvat þeim sýnist ráð).
    * * *
    a verb whose present is in a preterite form, see Gramm. p. xxiii: pres. veit, veizt (veiztu), veit; plur. vitum, vituð, vitu, later and mod. vitið, vita; the latter form appears in vellums early in the 14th century, e. g. þér vitið, Fms. vi. 144, from the Hulda: pret. vissa, vissir, vissi (never visti, cp. Goth. wissa, mod. Dan. vidste): subj. pres. vita, pret. vissa; imperat. vit, vittú; part. vitaðr (vitinn, Hornklofi): with neg. suff. veit-at, knows not, Hm. 74; veit-k-a-ek, ‘wot I not I,’ Hkr. iii. 376; veizt-attu, Hbl. 4; vitum-a, we know not, Skv. 3. 18; vissi-t, knew not: [Ulf. witan = εἰδέναι, γιγνώσκειν; A. S. and Hel. witan; Engl. wit; Germ. wissen; Dan. vide; Swed. vita; Lat. videre; Gr. εἰδέναι.]
    A. To wit, have sense, be conscious; hneig hón aptr ok vissi ekki til manna, Bjarn. 68; varð hann svá feginn at varla vissi hann, Flóv.; faðirinn vissi ekki lengi, svá þótti honum mikit, Bs. i. 369; hann þóttisk nær ekki vita fyrir hræzlu, Fms. vii. 142; hann var enn eigi örendr en vissi þó ekki, Fb. ii. 453; ek var svá syfjaðr at ek vissa fátt frá mér, Gísl. 6l; hestr laust einn ungan mann í höfuðit, ok sprakk mjök, ok vissi ekki, Bs. i. 314, l. c.; tók hann einn þeirra ok varðisk með, þar til er sá vissi ekki til sín, Fms. vi. 110; hann tók augna-verk strangan, ok vissi hann löngum hvárki í þenna heim né annan, Bs. i. 317; hann vissi lengi ekki hingat, 336; ok vissi þá ekki til sín löngum, 335; hvárt skal hjóna færa annat fram þat sem heldr hefir fé til, nema annat þeirra viti eigi vel ( unless he be not in the enjoyment of his full senses) en þegar er því batnar, Grág. i. 300: with gen., gráðigr halr nema geðs viti, Hm. 19 (see B. 3).
    2. vita skyn á, to understand, know, Nj. 223, Grág. ii. 167, Fms. i. 186, xi. 323 (see skyn); vita ván e-s, to expect, Eg. 746, Fms. viii. 180, Nj. 75, Blas. 46.
    II. to wit, know; vituð ér enn eða hvat, Vsp.; þeir er vel mart vitu, Hm. 53: ek veit, 76; vita sik saklausan, to know oneself to be sackless. Eg. 49; síðan skaltú vita þitt eyrendi, Finnb. 258; ef þeir vitu þetta eigi, Nj. 231; skaltú ok þat vita, at …, 88; lát sem þú vitir eigi, Ísl. ii. 250; þeir munu vitað hafa með Þráni, Nj. 136; ek veit allt með henni, El.; hitt veit ek eigi hvaðan þjófs-augu eru komin í ættir várar, Nj. 2; veit ek þann mann er þora man, 89; veizt þú hvat þér man verða at bana?—Veit ek, segir Njáll, 85; veitat hinn er vætki veit, Hm. 74.
    2. with prepp.; vita fram (fram-viss); vissi hann vel fram sem Vanir aðrir, Þkv. 15: vita fyrir, to foreknow (for-vitri); vita örlög sín fyrir, Hm. passim; mundi hann þat vita fyrir er hann vissi dauða sinn, Nj. 98: vita til e-s, to know of. Fms. x. 337; ekki vissu landsmenn til um ferð Þórólfs. Eg. 78.
    3. with the particle ‘at;’ þóttisk Þorkell vita at Grímr var þar, Dropl. 34; hana vissi at skíða-hlaði var við dyrr þær, 29; eigi munda ek vita at blóðrefillinn kæmi við mik í gær líttað, Fms. xi. 144: veitka ek nema þú þykkisk nú minn lávarðr, Hkr. iii. 376.
    III. in exclamations; hvat veit ek hvárt menn munu aldri hætta lygi-sögum, Fb. i. 184; var þetta hans bani, sem vita mátti, i. e. of course, Stj. 541; hvat ek veit, hvárt ek mun, what know I! should I? …, as an interjection, Nj. 85; veiztu, ef þú vin átt, farðú at finna opt, Hm. 43; veit þat trúa mín, upon my faith! Edda; veit menn, mod. viti menn! see maðr B. 3; hvar viti menn ( whoever knew) slíku bellt við konungmann, Eg. 415; hvar viti áðr orta mærð með æðra hætti, Edda (Ht.)
    IV. to see, try; má ek vita at ek fá af henni nökkurn vísdóm, Stj. 491; ek mun ríða ok hitta Óspak, ok vita at hanni vili sættask, Band. 5; ok vita at vér næðim Sokka víkingi, Fms. ii. 5; sá skal vita, er á strenginum heldr, hvárt hann skelfr, Fb. ii. 129; vil ek fara ok vita, at ek mega bjarga honum, 623. 16; vittu ef þú hjálpir, see if than canst help, Og. 5; vit at þú náir sverði því, Dropl. 28; fara heim ok vita hvers víss yrði, Nj. 114; vér skulum hlaupa at fylkingu þeirra, ok vita at vér komimk svá í gegnum, Fær. 81; skal yðr þat heimilt, ok vita at þit þroskizk hér, 45; sendi Sirpa bónda sinn at vita sér um brún-gras, to fetch for her (cp. vitja), Finnb. 258; ókunnugr ertú mér, ok vil ek vita við skipverja hvat þeim sýnisk ráð, Fbr. 62 new Ed.; ok bað hana vita af hón kenndi höfuðit, Bjarn. 68.
    V. to look towards, of a place, = Lat. spectare ad, vergere in; in þat er vissi til norðr-ættar, Edda 22; sá armr er vissi at dikinu, Fms. vi. 406; ok lögðusk þaðan undir sem at veit bænum, viii. 377; bæði þat er aptr vissi ok fram, vii. 94; á þann bekk er vissi móti sólu, vi. 439; þann arminn er vissi at sjánum, viii. 115; rökðu þangat sporin sem klaufirnar höfðu vitað, Ó. H. 152; vissu þá grundvellir upp, en veggir í jörð niðr, Sks. 142 new Ed.; fætr vissu upp, Eg. 508; þar á eynni er vissi til Atleyjar, 222; þeir fundu vínvið allt þar sem holta vissi, they found the vine wherever there was woodland, Þorf. Karl. 420; en þróask, ef hann vissi til mikilleiks, if it shewed growth, Korm. 8; allt þat er honum þótti grjóts vita, þótti honum við gull glóa, Konr.
    2. metaph. to come under that and that head, to respect, mean, have such and such bearing; sökin veit til lands-laga en ekki til Bjarkeyjar-réttar, this case comes under the country-law, and not under the town-law, Fms. vii. 130; eigi veit þannig við, that is not the case, Nj. 180; ef öðru-vísi veit við, Al. 106; seg mér et sanna, hversu við veit, how things stand, Fms. iii. 70; konungr svarar, at mál þat vissi allt annan veg við, Ó. H. 199; hvat veit hrygð þessi? Stj. 600; hvat veit óp þetta, what means this shouting? Fms. viii. 141; hvat vissi laga-frétt sú er Emundr spurði í gær? Ó. H. 87; skipan er hér á vorðin, ok veit ek eigi hvat þat veit, I know not what it means, cannot understand it, Fs. 6; þat man eigi öngra tíðenda vita, i. e. that will mean something great, Nj. 83; gör sem ek býð þér, ok kann vera, at þór viti vel, do as I bid thee, and may be, it will be well with thee, 655 xiii. B. 4; ok rædda um þat at nú mundi vel vita, Ísl. ii. 354; hræzlu (gen.) þat vissi, it savoured of fear, Am. 97; ekki vita slík orð lítils, Sd. 151; hlæra þú af því at þér góðs viti, it is for no good that thou laughest, Bkv. 2. 31; er lítils góðs vissi, Barl. 20: þá gleði er viti til meins, Hom. (St.); þat er til hans veit, what respects him, Orkn. 314; þat er til heiðins siðar veit, N. G. L. i. 383.
    3. vita á, to forebode; brakar í klaufum, vind mun á vita, Mar. 1057 (cp. á-vitull); það veit á regn, storm, …, of weather marks.
    B. Recipr. to know of one another; þeir vissusk jafnan til í hafinu, Landn. 56; ok vitask þeir við mála-munda þann sín á miðli, to know mutually, Grág. i. 469; better, ok vitusk þeir þat við mála-munda þann, Kb. i. 131.
    2. pass.; skyldi aldrei annat vitask, to be known, Fas. i. 22.
    3. part.; vitandi né valdandi þessa verks, Fms. ix. 412; margs vitandi, Vsp. 20, Edda 11; vitandi vits, Hm. 17, Fms. v. 258 (cp. A l); vitandi mann-vits, Edda 9; viss vitandi, intentionally, knowingly, jb. 309 A; visir vitendr, Grág. (Kb.) i. 243, ii. 57; visar vitendr, Grág. i. 228.
    4. the past pret.; á morgun skal okkur saga vituð verða, to be known, proved, 655 xiii. B. 1; þat mátti eigi vitað verða, 625. 83; ef þetta er satt, þá er þat vitað (clear, manifest) at hón hefir eigi mær verit, Fms. x. 294; þat er vitað ( well known) at sjá. maðr er afbragð annarra manna, vi. 144; ok er þat vitað hver stóriðendi görðusk um hans mál, vii. 124; sá er þeim völlr of vitaðr, that field is marked out for them, Vþm. 18; valr vitinn Friggjar faðm-byggvi, allotted to Odin, Hornklofi.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > VITA

  • 9 see

    1. transitive verb,

    let somebody see something — (show) jemandem etwas zeigen

    let me seelass mich mal sehen

    I saw her fall or falling — ich habe sie fallen sehen

    he was seen to leave or seen leaving the building — er ist beim Verlassen des Gebäudes gesehen worden

    I'll believe it when I see itdas will ich erst mal sehen

    they saw it happen — sie haben gesehen, wie es passiert ist

    can you see that house over there?siehst du das Haus da drüben?

    be worth seeing — sehenswert sein; sich lohnen (ugs.)

    see the light(fig.): (undergo conversion) das Licht schauen (geh.)

    I saw the light(I realized my error etc.) mir ging ein Licht auf (ugs.)

    I must be seeing things(joc.) ich glaub', ich seh' nicht richtig

    see the sights/town — sich (Dat.) die Sehenswürdigkeiten/Stadt ansehen

    see one's way [clear] to do or to doing something — es einrichten, etwas zu tun

    2) (watch) sehen

    let's see a filmsehen wir uns (Dat.) einen Film an!

    3) (meet [with]) sehen; treffen; (meet socially) zusammenkommen mit; sich treffen mit

    I'll see you there/at 5 — wir sehen uns dort/um 5

    see you!(coll.)

    [I'll] be seeing you! — (coll.) bis bald! (ugs.)

    see you on Saturday/soon — bis Samstag/bald; see also academic.ru/43656/long">long I 1. 3)

    4) (speak to) sprechen [Person] ( about wegen); (pay visit to) gehen zu, (geh.) aufsuchen [Arzt, Anwalt usw.]; (receive) empfangen

    the doctor will see you now — Herr/Frau Doktor lässt bitten

    whom would you like to see?wen möchten Sie sprechen?; zu wem möchten Sie?

    5) (discern mentally) sehen

    I can see it's difficult for you — ich verstehe, dass es nicht leicht für dich ist

    I see what you mean — ich verstehe [was du meinst]

    I saw that it was a mistakemir war klar, dass es ein Fehler war

    he didn't see the joke — er fand es [gar] nicht lustig; (did not understand) er hat den Witz nicht verstanden

    I can't think what she sees in him — ich weiß nicht, was sie an ihm findet

    6) (consider) sehen

    let me see what I can do — [ich will] mal sehen, was ich tun kann

    7) (foresee) sehen

    I can see I'm going to be busy — ich sehe [es] schon [kommen], dass ich beschäftigt sein werde

    I can see it won't be easy — ich sehe schon, dass es nicht einfach sein wird

    8) (find out) feststellen; (by looking) nachsehen

    see if you can read this — guck mal, ob du das hier lesen kannst (ugs.)

    9) (take view of) sehen; betrachten

    try to see it my wayversuche es doch mal aus meiner Sicht zu sehen

    10) (learn) sehen

    I see from your letter that... — ich entnehme Ihrem Brief, dass...

    11) (make sure)

    see [that]... — zusehen od. darauf achten, dass...

    12) usu. in imper. (look at) einsehen [Buch]

    see below/p. 15 — siehe unten/S. 15

    13) (experience, be witness of) erleben

    now I've seen everything!(iron.) hat man so etwas schon erlebt od. gesehen!

    we shall see — wir werden [ja/schon] sehen

    he will not or never see 50 again — er ist [bestimmt] über 50

    14) (imagine) sich (Dat.) vorstellen

    see somebody/oneself doing something — sich vorstellen, dass jemand/man etwas tut

    I can see it now -... — ich sehe es schon bildhaft vor mir -...

    15) (contemplate) mit ansehen; zusehen bei

    [stand by and] see somebody doing something — [tatenlos] zusehen od. es [tatenlos] mit ansehen, wie jemand etwas tut

    16) (escort) begleiten, bringen (to [bis] zu)
    17) (consent willingly to) einsehen

    not see oneself doing something — es nicht einsehen, dass man etwas tut

    2. intransitive verb,
    saw, seen

    see redrotsehen (ugs.)

    2) (make sure) nachsehen
    3) (reflect) überlegen

    let me see — lass mich überlegen; warte mal ['n Moment] (ugs.)


    I see — ich verstehe; aha (ugs.); ach so (ugs.)

    you see — weißt du/wisst ihr/wissen Sie

    there you are, you see! — Siehst du? Ich hab's doch gesagt!

    as far as I can seesoweit ich das od. es beurteilen kann

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - see about
    - see into
    - see off
    - see out
    - see over
    - see through
    - see to
    * * *
    I [si:] past tense - saw; verb
    1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) sehen
    2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) sehen
    3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) sehen
    4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) sehen
    5) (to understand: She didn't see the point of the joke.) verstehen
    6) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) sehen
    7) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) sehen
    8) (to accompany: I'll see you home.) begleiten
    - see about
    - seeing that
    - see off
    - see out
    - see through
    - see to
    - I
    - we will see
    II [si:] noun
    (the district over which a bishop or archbishop has authority.) das (Erz)Bistum
    * * *
    <saw, seen>
    1. (perceive with eyes)
    to \see sb/sth jdn/etw sehen
    I've never \seen anything quite like this before so etwas habe ich ja noch nie gesehen
    have you ever \seen this man before? haben Sie diesen Mann schon einmal gesehen?
    he's \seen where you live er weiß jetzt, wo du wohnst
    I can't \see much without my glasses ohne Brille sehe ich nicht sonderlich viel
    there's nothing to \see (after accident) hier gibt's nichts zu sehen!
    I saw it happen ich habe gesehen, wie es passiert ist
    it has to be \seen to be believed man muss es gesehen haben[, sonst glaubt man es nicht]
    I'll believe it when I \see it das glaube ich auch erst, wenn ich es mit eigenen Augen gesehen habe
    to \see sb do [or doing] sth sehen, wie jd etw tut
    I saw her coming ich habe sie kommen sehen
    the woman was \seen to enter the bank die Frau wurde gesehen, wie sie die Bank betrat
    I can't believe what I'm \seeing — is that your car? ich glaube, ich spinne! ist das dein Auto?
    she didn't want to be \seen visiting the doctor sie wollte nicht, dass jemand mitbekommt, dass sie zum Arzt geht
    I've never \seen my brother eating mushrooms ich habe meinen Bruder noch nie Pilze essen sehen
    can you \see where... siehst du, wo...
    to \see sth with one's own eyes etw mit eigenen Augen sehen
    for all the world to \see in aller Öffentlichkeit
    2. (watch as a spectator)
    to \see sth film, play [sich dat] etw [an]sehen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. anschauen]
    this film is really worth \seeing dieser Film ist echt sehenswert
    to \see sb in a film/in a play/on television jdn in einem Film/Stück/im Fernsehen sehen
    3. (visit place)
    to \see sth famous building, place etw ansehen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. anschauen]
    I'd love to \see Salzburg again ich würde gerne noch einmal nach Salzburg gehen
    to \see the sights of a town die Sehenswürdigkeiten einer Stadt besichtigen
    to \see sth etw verstehen [o begreifen]; (discern mentally) etw erkennen
    I \see what you mean ich weiß, was du meinst
    I can't \see the difference between... and... für mich gibt es keinen Unterschied zwischen... und...
    I just don't \see why... ich begreife [o verstehe] einfach nicht, warum...
    I can't \see why I should do it ich sehe einfach nicht ein, warum ich es machen sollte
    I can \see you're having trouble with your car Sie haben Probleme mit Ihrem Auto?
    I really can't \see what difference it makes to... ich weiß wirklich nicht, was es für einen Unterschied machen soll,...
    I can \see it's difficult ich verstehe ja, dass es schwierig ist
    I can \see you have been fighting ich sehe doch, dass ihr euch gezankt habt
    I can't \see the joke ich weiß nicht, was daran komisch sein soll
    I don't \see the point of that remark ich verstehe den Sinn dieser Bemerkung nicht
    \see what I mean? siehst du?
    to \see sth etw sehen
    as I \see it... so wie ich das sehe...
    try and \see it my way versuche es doch mal aus meiner Sicht zu sehen
    I \see myself as a good mother ich denke, dass ich eine gute Mutter bin
    this is how I \see it so sehe ich die Sache
    I don't \see it that way ich sehe das nicht so
    to \see sth in a new [or a different] [or another] light etw mit anderen Augen sehen
    to \see reason [or sense] Vernunft annehmen
    to \see things differently die Dinge anders sehen
    to make sb \see sth jdm etw klarmachen
    to \see oneself obliged to do sth sich akk dazu gezwungen sehen, etw zu tun
    6. (learn, find out)
    to \see sth etw feststellen
    I \see [that]... wie ich sehe,...
    I'll \see what I can do/who it is ich schaue mal, was ich tun kann/wer es ist
    let me \see if I can help you mal sehen, ob ich Ihnen helfen kann
    that remains to be \seen das wird sich zeigen
    to \see sb jdn sehen; (by chance) jdn [zufällig] treffen [o sehen]
    we're \seeing friends at the weekend wir treffen uns am Wochenende mit Freunden
    to \see a lot [or much] of sb jdn häufig sehen
    I haven't \seen much of him recently ich sehe ihn in letzter Zeit [auch] nur [noch] selten
    I haven't \seen her around much in the last few weeks in den letzten Wochen habe ich sie [auch nur] selten gesehen
    I shall be \seeing them at eight ich treffe sie um acht
    I'll \see you around bis dann!
    \see you! [or BRIT be \seeing you!] ( fam) bis bald! fam
    \see you later! ( fam: when meeting again later) bis später!; (goodbye) tschüss! fam
    \see you on Monday bis Montag!
    to go and \see sb jdn besuchen [gehen]
    to \see sb jdn sehen; (talk to) jdn sprechen; (receive) jdn empfangen
    I demand to \see the manager ich möchte mit dem Geschäftsführer sprechen!
    Mr Miller can't \see you now Herr Miller ist im Moment nicht zu sprechen
    the doctor will \see you now Sie können jetzt reingehen, der Herr Doktor ist jetzt frei
    to \see a doctor/a solicitor zum Arzt/zu einem Anwalt gehen, einen Arzt/einen Anwalt aufsuchen geh
    9. (have relationship with)
    to be \seeing sb mit jdm zusammen sein fam
    I'm not \seeing anyone at the moment ich habe im Moment keine Freundin/keinen Freund
    are you \seeing anyone? hast du einen Freund/eine Freundin?
    to \see sth sich dat etw vorstellen
    I \see a real chance of us meeting again ich glaube wirklich, dass wir uns wiedersehen
    I can't \see him getting the job ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass er den Job bekommt
    can you \see her as a teacher? kannst du dir sie als Lehrerin vorstellen?
    do you \see... kannst du dir vorstellen,...
    I can't \see myself as a waitress ich glaube nicht, dass Kellnern was für mich wäre
    to \see it coming es kommen sehen
    11. (witness, experience)
    to \see sth etw [mit]erleben
    1997 saw a slackening off in the growth of the economy 1997 kam es zu einer Verlangsamung des Wirtschaftswachstums
    he won't \see 50 again er ist gut über 50
    I've \seen it all mich überrascht nichts mehr
    now I've \seen everything! ist denn das zu fassen!
    I've \seen it all before das kenne ich alles schon!
    to \see sb do sth [mit]erleben, wie jd etw tut
    his parents saw him awarded the winner's medal seine Eltern waren mit dabei, als ihm die Siegermedaille überreicht wurde
    I can't bear to \see people being mistreated ich ertrag es nicht, wenn Menschen misshandelt werden
    to \see the day when... den Tag erleben, an dem...
    to \see life das Leben kennenlernen
    to live to \see sth etw erleben
    I shall not live to \see it das werde ich wohl nicht mehr miterleben
    12. (accompany)
    to \see sb jdn begleiten
    to \see sb into bed jdn ins Bett bringen
    to \see sb to the door [or out] /home jdn zur Tür/nach Hause bringen [o geh begleiten]
    to \see sb into a taxi jdn zum Taxi bringen
    I saw her safely into the house ich brachte sie sicher zum Haus
    13. (inspect)
    sb wants to \see sth licence, passport jd möchte etw sehen; references, records jd möchte etw [ein]sehen
    the policeman asked to \see my driving licence der Polizist wollte meinen Führerschein sehen
    let me \see that lass mich das mal sehen
    14. in imperative (refer to)
    \see... siehe...
    \see below/page 23/over[leaf] siehe unten/Seite 23/nächste Seite
    to \see sth in sb/sth etw in jdm/etw sehen
    I don't know what she \sees in him ich weiß nicht, was sie an ihm findet
    16. (ensure)
    to \see sb right BRIT, AUS ( fam: help) jdm helfen [o behilflich sein]; (pay or reimburse) aufpassen [o dafür sorgen], dass jd sein Geld [wieder]bekommt
    to \see that sth happens dafür sorgen, dass etw passiert
    \see that this doesn't happen again sieh zu, dass das nicht noch einmal passiert
    17. (view)
    to \see sth house for sale [sich dat] etw ansehen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. anschauen
    18. (in poker)
    to \see sb:
    I'll \see you ich halte
    to have \seen better days schon [einmal] bessere Tage gesehen haben
    let's \see the colour of your money first erst will ich dein Geld sehen! fam
    you couldn't \see him/her for dust man sah nur noch seine/ihre Staubwolke fam
    if... you won't \see the dust of him/her wenn..., wird er/sie die Fliege machen wie nichts sl
    he/she can't \see further than [or beyond] the end of his/her nose er/sie sieht nicht weiter als seine/ihre Nasenspitze [reicht] fam
    I'll \see him/her in hell first das wäre das Letzte, was ich täte!
    to not have \seen hide nor hair of sb jdn nicht mal von hinten gesehen haben fam
    to \see the last [or BRIT, AUS the back] of sb [endlich] jdn los sein fam
    to \see the last [or BRIT, AUS the back] of sth endlich etw überstanden haben
    sb \sees the light (understand) jdm geht ein Licht auf fam; (become enlightened) jdm gehen die Augen auf fam; (be converted) jd [er]schaut das Licht [Gottes] geh
    to \see the light of day (first appear) das Licht der Welt erblicken geh o hum
    to [go and] \see a man about a dog hingehen, wo auch der Kaiser zu Fuß hingeht euph hum fam
    to \see stars Sterne sehen fam
    to be \seeing things sich dat etw einbilden, Halluzinationen haben
    to \see one's way [clear] to doing sth es [sich dat] einrichten, etw zu tun
    to not \see the wood [or AM the forest] for the trees den Wald vor [lauter] Bäumen nicht sehen hum
    1. (use eyes) sehen
    I can't \see very well without my glasses ohne Brille kann ich nicht sehr gut sehen
    ... but \seeing is believing... doch ich habe es mit eigenen Augen gesehen!
    as far as the eye [or you] can \see so weit das Auge reicht
    2. (look) sehen
    let me \see! lass mich mal sehen!
    \see for yourself! sieh doch selbst!; (in theatre etc.)
    can you \see? können Sie noch sehen?
    there, \see, Grandad's mended it for you schau mal, Opa hat es dir wieder repariert!
    3. (understand, realize)
    ... — oh, I \see!... — aha!
    I \see ich verstehe
    you \see! it wasn't that difficult was it? na siehst du, das war doch gar nicht so schwer!
    \see, I don't love you anymore ich liebe dich einfach nicht mehr, o.k.? fam
    you \see,... weißt du/wissen Sie,...
    well, you \see, all these rooms are going to be decorated alle Zimmer werden natürlich noch renoviert
    \see?! siehst du?!
    as far as I can \see... so wie ich das sehe...
    I \see from your report... Ihrem Bericht entnehme ich,...
    ... so I \see... das sehe [o merke] ich
    now, \see here, I only bought this ticket a month ago also, dieses Ticket habe ich erst vor einem Monat gekauft!
    5. (find out) nachsehen, ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. nachschauen; (in the future) herausfinden
    wait and \see abwarten und Tee trinken fam
    well, we'll \see schau ma mal! fam
    let me \see lass' mich mal überlegen
    you'll \see du wirst schon sehen!
    you'll soon \see for yourself du wirst es schon bald selbst sehen!
    to not \see eye to eye [with sb] nicht derselben Ansicht sein [wie jd]
    to \see fit to do sth es für angebracht halten, etw zu tun
    to \see red rotsehen fam
    to make sb \see red jdn zur Weißglut treiben fam
    n (of bishop or archbishop) [Erz]bistum nt; (Catholic) [Erz]diözese f
    the Holy S\see der Heilige Stuhl
    * * *
    see1 [siː] prät saw [sɔː], pperf seen [siːn]
    A v/t
    1. sehen:
    see page 15 siehe Seite 15;
    as I see it fig wie ich es sehe, in meinen Augen, meiner Meinung nach;
    I see things otherwise fig ich sehe oder betrachte die Dinge anders;
    I cannot see myself doing it fig ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ich es tue;
    I cannot see my way to doing it ich weiß nicht, wie ich es anstellen soll;
    I see myself obliged to go ich sehe mich gezwungen zu gehen;
    I wonder what he sees in her ich möchte wissen, was er an ihr findet;
    let us see what can be done wir wollen sehen, was sich machen lässt;
    little was seen of the attack SPORT vom Angriff war nur wenig zu sehen (siehe weitere Verbindungen mit den entsprechenden Substantiven etc)
    2. (ab)sehen, erkennen:
    see danger ahead Gefahr auf sich zukommen sehen
    3. entnehmen, ersehen ( beide:
    from aus der Zeitung etc)
    4. (ein)sehen:
    I do not see what he means ich verstehe nicht, was er meint;
    I don’t see the importance of it ich verstehe nicht, was daran so wichtig sein soll;
    I don’t see the use of it ich weiß nicht, wozu das gut sein soll; joke A 2
    5. (sich) etwas ansehen, besuchen: worth1 A 2
    6. herausfinden:
    see who it is sieh nach, wer es ist
    7. dafür sorgen(, dass):
    see (to it) that it is done sorge dafür oder sieh zu, dass es geschieht;
    see justice done to sb dafür sorgen, dass jemandem Gerechtigkeit widerfährt
    8. a) besuchen
    b) sich treffen mit:
    they have been seeing a lot of each other lately sie sind in letzter Zeit oft zusammen;
    he has been seeing her for two years er geht schon seit zwei Jahren mit ihr umg
    9. aufsuchen, konsultieren ( beide:
    about wegen), sprechen ( on business geschäftlich), US umg (mal) mit jemandem reden (um ihn zu beeinflussen):
    10. empfangen:
    11. begleiten, geleiten:
    see sb home jemanden heimbegleiten, jemanden nach Hause bringen;
    see sb to bed jemanden zu Bett bringen;
    see sb to the station jemanden zum Bahnhof bringen oder begleiten;
    see sb across the street jemanden über die Straße bringen; see off 1, see out 1
    12. sehen, erleben:
    live to see erleben;
    see action MIL im Einsatz sein, Kämpfe mitmachen;
    he has seen better days er hat schon bessere Tage gesehen
    13. besonders Poker: mithalten mit
    B v/i
    1. sehen:
    she doesn’t see very well with her left eye sie sieht nicht sehr gut auf dem linken Auge;
    we haven’t seen much of him lately wir haben ihn in letzter Zeit nicht allzu oft gesehen;
    you’ll see du wirst schon sehen
    2. einsehen, verstehen:
    I see! (ich) verstehe!, aha!, ach so!;
    (you) see, … weißt du oder wissen Sie, …;
    (you) see? umg verstehst du?;
    as far as I can see soviel ich sehen kann
    3. nachsehen:
    go and see (for) yourself!
    4. überlegen:
    let me see! warte(n Sie) mal!, lass mich überlegen!;
    we’ll see wir werden sehen, mal sehen oder abwarten
    see2 [siː] s REL
    1. (Erz)Bischofssitz m, (erz)bischöflicher Stuhl:
    Apostolic ( oder Holy) See (der) Apostolische oder Heilige Stuhl
    2. (Erz)Bistum n:
    3. obs ( besonders Thron)Sitz m
    s. abk
    1. second ( seconds pl) s, Sek.
    3. see s.
    5. set
    6. HIST Br shilling ( shillings pl)
    7. sign
    8. signed gez.
    9. singular Sg.
    10. son
    v. abk
    1. MATH vector
    3. verb
    5. JUR SPORT versus, against
    6. very
    7. vide, see
    9. ELEK volt ( volts pl) V
    10. ELEK voltage
    11. volume
    * * *
    1. transitive verb,

    let somebody see something (show) jemandem etwas zeigen

    I saw her fall or falling — ich habe sie fallen sehen

    he was seen to leave or seen leaving the building — er ist beim Verlassen des Gebäudes gesehen worden

    they saw it happen — sie haben gesehen, wie es passiert ist

    be worth seeing — sehenswert sein; sich lohnen (ugs.)

    see the light(fig.): (undergo conversion) das Licht schauen (geh.)

    I saw the light(I realized my error etc.) mir ging ein Licht auf (ugs.)

    I must be seeing things(joc.) ich glaub', ich seh' nicht richtig

    see the sights/town — sich (Dat.) die Sehenswürdigkeiten/Stadt ansehen

    see one's way [clear] to do or to doing something — es einrichten, etwas zu tun

    2) (watch) sehen

    let's see a filmsehen wir uns (Dat.) einen Film an!

    3) (meet [with]) sehen; treffen; (meet socially) zusammenkommen mit; sich treffen mit

    I'll see you there/at 5 — wir sehen uns dort/um 5

    see you!(coll.)

    [I'll] be seeing you! — (coll.) bis bald! (ugs.)

    see you on Saturday/soon — bis Samstag/bald; see also long I 1. 3)

    4) (speak to) sprechen [Person] ( about wegen); (pay visit to) gehen zu, (geh.) aufsuchen [Arzt, Anwalt usw.]; (receive) empfangen

    the doctor will see you now — Herr/Frau Doktor lässt bitten

    whom would you like to see? — wen möchten Sie sprechen?; zu wem möchten Sie?

    I can see it's difficult for you — ich verstehe, dass es nicht leicht für dich ist

    I see what you mean — ich verstehe [was du meinst]

    I saw that it was a mistake — mir war klar, dass es ein Fehler war

    he didn't see the joke — er fand es [gar] nicht lustig; (did not understand) er hat den Witz nicht verstanden

    I can't think what she sees in him — ich weiß nicht, was sie an ihm findet

    6) (consider) sehen

    let me see what I can do — [ich will] mal sehen, was ich tun kann

    7) (foresee) sehen

    I can see I'm going to be busy — ich sehe [es] schon [kommen], dass ich beschäftigt sein werde

    I can see it won't be easy — ich sehe schon, dass es nicht einfach sein wird

    8) (find out) feststellen; (by looking) nachsehen

    see if you can read this — guck mal, ob du das hier lesen kannst (ugs.)

    9) (take view of) sehen; betrachten
    10) (learn) sehen

    I see from your letter that... — ich entnehme Ihrem Brief, dass...

    see [that]... — zusehen od. darauf achten, dass...

    12) usu. in imper. (look at) einsehen [Buch]

    see below/p. 15 — siehe unten/S. 15

    13) (experience, be witness of) erleben

    now I've seen everything!(iron.) hat man so etwas schon erlebt od. gesehen!

    we shall see — wir werden [ja/schon] sehen

    he will not or never see 50 again — er ist [bestimmt] über 50

    14) (imagine) sich (Dat.) vorstellen

    see somebody/oneself doing something — sich vorstellen, dass jemand/man etwas tut

    I can see it now -... — ich sehe es schon bildhaft vor mir -...

    15) (contemplate) mit ansehen; zusehen bei

    [stand by and] see somebody doing something — [tatenlos] zusehen od. es [tatenlos] mit ansehen, wie jemand etwas tut

    16) (escort) begleiten, bringen (to [bis] zu)

    not see oneself doing something — es nicht einsehen, dass man etwas tut

    2. intransitive verb,
    saw, seen

    see redrotsehen (ugs.)

    2) (make sure) nachsehen
    3) (reflect) überlegen

    let me see — lass mich überlegen; warte mal ['n Moment] (ugs.)


    I see — ich verstehe; aha (ugs.); ach so (ugs.)

    you see — weißt du/wisst ihr/wissen Sie

    there you are, you see! — Siehst du? Ich hab's doch gesagt!

    as far as I can seesoweit ich das od. es beurteilen kann

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (§ p.,p.p.: saw, seen)
    = anzeigen v.
    sehen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: sah, gesehen)
    zusehen v.

    English-german dictionary > see

  • 10 equivocado

    1 wrong, erroneous, inaccurate, mistaken.
    2 misguided, lost.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: equivocar.
    * * *
    1→ link=equivocar equivocar
    1 mistaken, wrong
    * * *
    1) [número, dirección] wrong; [persona] mistaken, wrong

    estás equivocado — you are wrong, you are mistaken más frm

    2) [afecto, confianza] misplaced
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) <dato/número/respuesta> wrong
    b) [estar] < persona> mistaken, wrong
    * * *
    = false, misconceived, misguided, wrong, wrong-headed, misplaced, misinformed, in error.
    Ex. The concept 'Senses' constitutes a false link in the chain.
    Ex. It is important that those engaged in IR should not be abused by misconceived goals based on a failure to recognize the essential properties of IR.
    Ex. We have long recognized the necessity for medical schools and law schools to lead the way in exploring new methods and new ideas -- even ones that prove to be wrong or misguided.
    Ex. In a conventional system, the omission of a punctuation mark or an abbreviation will not necessarily cause an entry to be filed in the wrong place, because humans can compensate for variations in spelling and punctuation.
    Ex. His largest group of intentional alterations consisted of 27 relatively minor emendations, mostly wrong-headed.
    Ex. Because of the nature of AIDS, much misinformation, prejudice, and misplaced fear exist both within the general public and in professional communities worldwide.
    Ex. In the 1990s damaging stereotypes and misguided caricatures persist in dominating the American public's generally misinformed view of what it means to be a librarian.
    Ex. Errors are indicated by a flashing light and the repositioning of the cursor at the item in error.
    * aplicar un tratamiento equivocado = mistreat.
    * dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.
    * diagnóstico equivocado = misdiagnosis [misdiagnoses, -pl.].
    * estar completamente equivocado = be way off.
    * estar equivocado = be mistaken, be wide of the mark, be wrong, be in error, miss + the mark, miss + the point, be in the wrong.
    * estar equivocado en + Número + cosas = be wrong on + Número + count(s).
    * estar totalmente equivocado = be way off.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * número equivocado = wrong number.
    * si no estoy equivocado = if my hunch is right, if I am not mistaken.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) <dato/número/respuesta> wrong
    b) [estar] < persona> mistaken, wrong
    * * *
    = false, misconceived, misguided, wrong, wrong-headed, misplaced, misinformed, in error.

    Ex: The concept 'Senses' constitutes a false link in the chain.

    Ex: It is important that those engaged in IR should not be abused by misconceived goals based on a failure to recognize the essential properties of IR.
    Ex: We have long recognized the necessity for medical schools and law schools to lead the way in exploring new methods and new ideas -- even ones that prove to be wrong or misguided.
    Ex: In a conventional system, the omission of a punctuation mark or an abbreviation will not necessarily cause an entry to be filed in the wrong place, because humans can compensate for variations in spelling and punctuation.
    Ex: His largest group of intentional alterations consisted of 27 relatively minor emendations, mostly wrong-headed.
    Ex: Because of the nature of AIDS, much misinformation, prejudice, and misplaced fear exist both within the general public and in professional communities worldwide.
    Ex: In the 1990s damaging stereotypes and misguided caricatures persist in dominating the American public's generally misinformed view of what it means to be a librarian.
    Ex: Errors are indicated by a flashing light and the repositioning of the cursor at the item in error.
    * aplicar un tratamiento equivocado = mistreat.
    * dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.
    * diagnóstico equivocado = misdiagnosis [misdiagnoses, -pl.].
    * estar completamente equivocado = be way off.
    * estar equivocado = be mistaken, be wide of the mark, be wrong, be in error, miss + the mark, miss + the point, be in the wrong.
    * estar equivocado en + Número + cosas = be wrong on + Número + count(s).
    * estar totalmente equivocado = be way off.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * número equivocado = wrong number.
    * si no estoy equivocado = if my hunch is right, if I am not mistaken.

    * * *
    1 (erróneo, desacertado) wrong
    dio una respuesta equivocada he gave the wrong answer
    los datos estaban equivocados the information was wrong
    marqué un número equivocado I dialed the wrong number
    2 ‹persona› mistaken, wrong
    si piensas que te voy a ayudar estás muy equivocado if you think you're going to get any help from me, you're wrong o you're very much mistaken
    * * *


    Del verbo equivocar: ( conjugate equivocar)

    equivocado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    a)dato/número/respuesta wrong

    b) [estar] ‹ persona mistaken, wrong

    equivocar ( conjugate equivocar) verbo transitivo personato make … make a mistake, to make … go wrong
    equivocarse verbo pronominal ( cometer un error) to make a mistake;
    ( estar en un error) to be wrong o mistaken;

    me equivoqué de autobús I took the wrong bus;
    no te equivoques de fecha don't get the date wrong;
    se equivocó de camino he went the wrong way
    equivocado,-a adjetivo mistaken, wrong
    equivocar verbo transitivo
    1 (no acertar) to get wrong: equivocó el oficio, he chose the wrong profession
    2 (confundir) to mix up

    ' equivocado' also found in these entries:
    - equivocada
    - estropear
    - concepto
    - posibilidad
    - misguided
    - misnomer
    - mistaken
    - out
    - wildly
    - wrong
    - accept
    - get
    - incorrect
    - number
    - sadly
    - show
    - surely
    * * *
    equivocado, -a adj
    1. [érroneo] wrong;
    tomó la dirección equivocada he went in the wrong direction
    2. [persona] mistaken;
    estás completamente equivocado you're completely mistaken;
    si crees que aquí se acaba todo, estás pero que muy equivocado if you think that's the end of it, you are very much mistaken
    * * *
    adj wrong;
    estar equivocado be wrong, be mistaken
    * * *
    equivocado, -da adj
    : mistaken, wrong
    * * *
    equivocado adj wrong

    Spanish-English dictionary > equivocado

  • 11 think

    [Ɵiŋk] 1. past tense, past participle - thought; verb
    1) ((often with about) to have or form ideas in one's mind: Can babies think?; I was thinking about my mother.) pensar
    2) (to have or form opinions in one's mind; to believe: He thinks (that) the world is flat; What do you think of his poem?; What do you think about his suggestion?; He thought me very stupid.) achar
    3) (to intend or plan (to do something), usually without making a final decision: I must think what to do; I was thinking of/about going to London next week.) pensar
    4) (to imagine or expect: I never thought to see you again; Little did he think that I would be there as well.) pensar
    2. noun
    (the act of thinking: Go and have a think about it.) reflexão
    - - thought-out
    - think better of
    - think highly
    - well
    - badly of
    - think little of / not think much of
    - think of
    - think out
    - think over
    - think twice
    - think up
    - think the world of
    * * *
    [θiŋk] vt+vi (ps and pp thought) 1 pensar, achar, idear, cogitar. I think it is (ou it to be) true / penso que é verdade. what do you think of it? / o que você acha disso? he was thinking aloud / ele estava pensando em voz alta. 2 conceber, formar na mente, imaginar. I can’t think what he means / não posso imaginar o que ele pretende. 3 considerar, julgar. 4 crer, supor, opinar, acreditar. I was thought to have been there / acreditou-se que eu teria estado lá. 5 refletir, meditar, considerar, estudar. 6 especular, ponderar. 7 lembrar, recordar. I cannot think of his name / não me lembro do nome dele. we had thought of a thing / lembramos uma coisa. I did not think of it / não me lembrei disso. just think! imagine só! to think again mudar de opinião. to think better mudar de opinião. to think better of ter melhor opinião de. to think how pensar como. to think it out estudar bem o assunto. to think little of ter opinião desfavorável de. to think over pensar bem, reconsiderar. you must think it over / você deve pensar bem sobre isso. to think twice pensar duas vezes, hesitar. to think whether pensar se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > think

  • 12 ka

    сущ.; SK, DT
    ка или Ка
    Можно понимать как долг, судьба. В просторечии, место, куда ты должен пойти. Истинное значение слова гораздо шире и практически не поддается определению, как это часто бывает со словами Высокой Речи. (по материалам сайта stephenking.ru)
    см. тж High Speech, ka-tet

    The gunslinger wondered how the man whose mind had become temporary home for the gunslinger’s own ka, could be so stupid. — Стрелок недоумевал, как человек, чей разум стал временным пристанищем самого его ка (духа), мог быть таким глупцом. (ТБ 2)

    After one desperate, despairing moment, the gunslinger followed him; physical and full of hot physical ache at one moment, nothing but cool ka in Eddie’s head at the next. — После секундного томительного, разрывающего на части сомнения, Стрелок последовал за ним, какое-то мгновение в физической оболочке, переполненный обжигающей физической болью, в следующее – не более чем бесстрастное ка в голове Эдди. (ТБ 2)

    So he was the last, and perhaps he had survived because the dark romance in his nature was overset by his practicality and simplicity. He understood that only three things mattered: mortality, ka, and the Tower. — Итак он был последним, и выжил он, вероятно, потому, что мрачная романтика его души уступила место практичности и умеренности. Для него существовало только три вещи, имеющие значение: вероятность умереть, Ка и Башня. (ТБ 2)

    “What’s ka?” Eddie’s voice was truculent. “I never heard of it. Except if you say it twice you come out with the baby word for shit.” / “I don’t know about that,” the gunslinger said. “Here it means duty, or destiny, or, in the vulgate, a place you must go.” — Что ещё за ка? – голос Эдди звучал агрессивно. – Никогда раньше не слышал такого слова. Разве что только, если повторить его дважды, по-детски получиться дерьмо. / – Не знаю, как там у вас, – ответил Стрелок. – Здесь оно означает долг, или судьба, или, на низком наречии, место, куда ты должен пойти. (ТБ 2)

    … The gunslinger shrugged. “I don’t discuss philosophy. I don’t study history. All I know is what’s past is past, and what’s ahead is ahead. The second is ka, and takes care of itself.” / “Yeah?” Eddie looked northward. “Well all I see ahead is about nine billion miles of this same fucking beach. If that’s what’s ahead, ka and kaka are the same thing…” — Стрелок пожал плечами. – Я не философствую. Не созерцаю историю. Я знаю только, что былого не вернуть, а грядущего не избежать. Последнее это и есть Ка, и оно в ответе только за себя. / – Да ну? – Эдди посмотрел на север. – Всё, что я вижу, нам грядёт, это девять миллиардов миль всё того же грёбаного берега. Если нам это уготовано, то ка и кака – точно одно и то же… (ТБ 2)

    “Never mind, Eddie. What is, is.” / “Ka,” Eddie said. / The gunslinger nodded and smiled faintly. “Ka.” — Выкинь из головы, Эдди. Есть только то, что есть. / – Ка, – сказал Эдди. / Стрелок кивнул с едва заметной улыбкой. – Ка. (ТБ 2)

    см. тж
    - tet
    - ka-tet
    - ka-mai
    - ka-me
    - an-tet

    English-Russian dictionary of neologisms from a series of books by Stephen King "Dark Tower" > ka

  • 13 понимать

    Русский глагол понимать не указывает на то, каким образом было достигнуто понимание. В отличие от него английские эквиваленты, сохраняя общее значение, подчеркивают, каким образом что-либо было понято.
    1. to understand — понимать, осмыслять (в тех случаях, когда для получения знания требуются некоторые интеллектуальные усилия): I don't quite understand what you mean. — Я не совсем понимаю, что вы имеете в виду. If you don't understand the rule, I'm willing to explain it to you again. — Если ты это правило не понимаешь, я охотно обменю тебе его еще раз. I couldn't understand his reasons. — Причины, двигающие им, мне были непонятны. Не doesn't speak English well, but he can make himself understood. — Он плохо говорит по-английски, но его понимают. I've heard of your failure and I can quite understand how you feel and what it means for you. — Я слышал о твоем провале и хорошо понимаю, что ты чувствуешь и что это значит для тебя.
    2. to see— понимать, сознавать: to see a joke (the meaning, a point in discussion) — понимать шутку (смысл, суть спора) You needn't repeat it, I see what you mean. — He повторяйтесь, я понимаю, что вы имеете в виду/ Не повторяйтесь, мне ясно, что вы имеете в виду./Я понимаю, что ты хочешь сказать, не повторяй. I see the situation in a different light. — Я понимаю происходящее иначе./Я вижу ситуацию в ином свете. I don't quite see what it has to do with me. — Я не совсем понимаю, какое это имеет отношение ко мне. Не can't see a joke. — Он не понимает шуток./У него нет чувства юмора. I see what you are driving at. — Я понимаю, к чему вы клоните.
    3. to realize — ясно понимать, представлять себе, осознавать ( заметить и понять что-либо ранее не замеченное или не понятое): to realize the difficulties — представлять себе все трудности/понимать все трудности; to realize one's error — осознавать свою ошибку I realize how it was done. — Я представляю себе, как это было сделано./Я понимаю, как это было сделано. I suddenly realized that the pumping noise was the sound of my own heart. — Я вдруг осознал, что шум, который я слышал, был биением моего собственного сердца. It wasn't until she was fifty miles along the road that Sheila realized that she had lost her way. — Только проехав пятьдесят миль по дороге, Шейла поняла, что она заблудилась. «Is there a problem between you two?» said Jane not realizing how right she was. — «Что, у вас проблема?» — спросила Джейн, не осознавая, насколько была права. Only Erik realized the seriousness of Tom's illness. — Серьезность болезни Тома понимал только Эрик. We wandered without realizing it, to the red light area. — Мы забрели в запретную зону, не отдавая себе отчета в этом. Не didn't seem to realize that he would soon leave home for ever. — Он Казалось до конца не понимал, что уезжает из дома навсегда./Он видимо до конца не понимал, что покидает дом навсегда.
    4. to occur — приходить на ум, приходить в голову, доходить: It suddenly occured to me (hat maybe she was right. — Мне вдруг пришло в голову, что возможно она и нрава. It never occured to him that people could deliberality do harm to others purely out of malice. — Он и подумать не мог, что некоторые люди могли намеренно вредить другим просто из зловредности. Strangely enough, the most obvious explanation didn't occur to Jack until the next day. — Очень странно, но только на следующий день до Джека дошло, что он не подумал о самом простом объяснении.
    5. to dawn on/upon — понимать, осенять, осознавать (то, что должно было бы быть им понято ранее): It dawned on me that it was true. — Меня вдруг осенило, что это правда. /Мне вдруг пришло в голову, что это правда. Eventually it dawned on me that we were walking in completely the wrong direction. — В конце концов я начал понимать, что мы шли не по той дороге/в неправильном направлении./В конце концов до меня стало доходить, что мы шли по совершенно иной дороге/в неправильном направлении. It began to dawn on him that the task might not be so light as they had thought. — До него начало доходить, что задача была совсем не такой простой, как им казалась./Он начал осознавать, что задача была совсем не такой простой, как им казалась. The truth dawned on me a few days later. — Только несколько'дней спустя я понял всю правду.
    6. to become aware that — понимать, осознавать,отдавать себе отчет в чем-либо, отдавать себе отчет в том, что ( осознать что-либо только после достаточно длительного времени): In the days that followed, we became aware that there was some big secret from which we were excluded. — В последующие дни мы поняли, что существовала какая-то важная тайна, в которую мы не были посвящены. More and more middle-aged women were becoming aware that they had missed out on further education. — Все большее и большее число женщин среднего возраста начали понимать, что они упустили возможности дальнейшего образования./Все большее и большее число женщин среднего возраста начали понимать, что они не воспользовались возможностью дальнейшего образования. 7. to strike вдруг понять, осенить (неожиданно увидеть и понять причины того, что произошло): Suddenly it strike me that the only way for Robert to know the details of the burglary was to have been there at the time. — Я вдруг понял, что Роберт мог знать все подробности ограбления, только если он сам был на месте преступления./Вдруг до меня дошло, что Роберт мог знать все подробности ограбления, только если он сам был на месте преступления.
    8. to hit — вдруг прийти в голову, дойти, доходить (быть шокированным тем, что неожиданно человек понимает истинный смысл чеголибо, того, как это важно): I watched the stranger walked past and it hit me that I knew the fellow. — Я видел, как незнакомец прошел мимо, и меня вдруг осенило, что я знаю этого парня. Suddenly it hit me, he was trying to ask me to marry him. — Я вдруг поняла, что он так пытался сделать мне предложение./Я вдруг поняла, что он таким образом пытался сделать мне предложение. The full impact of what he had said hit me a few hours later. — Смысл его слов Я поняла полностью только через несколько часов./Смысл его слов дошел до меня полностью только через несколько часов.
    9. to sink in — понимать медленно, понимать полностью, внять чему-либо, медленно доходить до сознания ( постепенно начать понимать полный смысл чего-либо): I know I've lost champion's title, but it just hasn't sunk in yet! — Я знаю, что потерял звание чемпиона, но я еще этого до конца не прочувствовал./Я знаю, что потерял звание чемпиона, но я еше этою до конца не попил. The foolishness of what I had done was beginning io sink in. — Глупость того, что я сделал, постепенно начала доходить до моего сознания. She paused to let the full irony of her words sink in. — Она сделала паузу, дав время, чтобы ирония того, что она сказала, была полностью понята.
    10. to wake up to the fact that — вполне осознавать, что; полностью осознавать, что; очнуться (начинать полностью понимать что-либо, особенно, если вы стараетесь об этом не думать, потому что это неприятно): How long will it be before people wake up to the fact that anyone can catch that illness. — Сколько надо времени, чтобы улюдей открылись глаза на то, что любой может подхватить эту болезнь./Сколько надо времени, чтобы люди наконец поняли, что любой может подхватить эту болезнь./ Сколько надо времени, чтобы люди наконец осознали, что любой может подхватить эту болезнь. The speaker warned that we must wake up to the fact that we are in a tough competitive market. — Оратор сказал, что мы должны наконец понять, что живем в условиях жесткой рыночной конкуренции.
    11. to click — вдруг понимать (как правило, в безличной конструкции с it): Then it clicked, the man at the station must have been her brother! — И тогда меня осенило, что мужчина, который был на вокзале, должно быть ее брат./И тогда до меня вдруг дошло, что мужчина, который был на вокзале, должно быть ее брат. I found the whole affair quite baffling but then suddenly it clicked. — Мне вначале вся эта история казалась очень странной, но вдруг меня осенило, и вес стало ясно.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > понимать

  • 14 see

    I [si:] past tense - saw; verb
    1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) videti
    2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) videti
    3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) gledati
    4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) videti
    5) (to understand: She didn't see the point of the joke.) razbrati
    6) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) videti
    7) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) videti
    8) (to accompany: I'll see you home.) spremiti
    - seeing that
    - see off
    - see out
    - see through
    - see to
    - I
    - we will see
    II [si:] noun
    (the district over which a bishop or archbishop has authority.) (nad)škofija
    * * *
    I [si:]
    (nad)škofija; (nad)škofovska stolica; archaic prestol
    the Holy (Apostolic) See, the See of Romesveta stolica
    II [si:]
    transitive verb
    videti, zagledati, opaziti, (po)gledati, ogledovati; razbrati, prečitati v časopisih; razumeti, uvideti, pojmiti, predstavljati si, smatrati; izslediti, doživeti, izkusiti; dopustiti, poskrbeti za; sprejeti (goste, obiske); obiskati, priti in pogovoriti se (on o), govoriti z; iti (k zdravniku), konzultirati (zdravnika); spremiti;
    intransitive verb
    videti, uvideti, razumeti; premisliti se; pogledati (za čem)
    worth seeing — vreden, da se vidi
    I see!razumem!
    see?, do you see? — razumeš?, razumete?
    as far as I can see — kakor daleč mi seže oko; figuratively kolikor morem razbrati, po mojem mišljenju
    to see the back figuratively znebiti se obiskovalca, vsiljivca
    to see s.o. to bedspraviti koga v posteljo
    to see s.o. through a difficultypomagati komu preko težave
    to see eye to eye colloquially strinjati se v mišljenju ( with z)
    to see with half an eye slang jasno (na prvi pogled, mižé) videti
    to see s.o. further slang poslati koga k vragu
    to see good — smatrati (kaj) za dobro, za primerno
    to see s.o. homespremiti koga domov
    I cannot see the joke — ne vem, kaj je smešnega pri tem
    to see life — mnogo izkusiti v življenju, colloquially veselo živeti
    I don't see him kneeling at her — feet ne morem si ga predstavljati, kako kleči pred njo
    to see the light figuratively spreobrniti se; videti, kaj je treba narediti, da bo prav
    to see the red light figuratively zavedati se neposredne nevarnosti ali nevšečnosti
    to see how the land lies — odkriti, kakšen je položaj
    I don't see what he means — ne razumem, kaj hoče reči (kaj misli)
    you will not see me shot like a dog? — ne boste dopustili, da me ustrelijo kot psa?
    they see too many people — preveč ljudi sprejemajo (v obiske), obiskujejo
    to see red slang pobesneti
    to see service colloquially udeležiti se vojnega pohoda
    he will never see sixty again figuratively je (že) nad 60 let star
    see that the door is locked — prepričaj se, poglej, če so vrata zaklenjena!
    see this done! — poskrbi (glej), da bo to narejeno!
    to see things figuratively imeti privide (halucinacije)
    to see through a brickwall (a millstone) figuratively biti zelo bister, "slišati travo rasti"
    to see snakes figuratively slang biti v deliriju ali na robu deliriuma tremensa
    to see one's way — videti, najti način (da se nekaj napravi)
    he cannot see a yard before his nose figuratively (neumen je, da) ne vidi ped pred nosom;

    English-Slovenian dictionary > see

  • 15 think

    n розм.
    1) міркування
    2) думка, гадка

    think pieceогляд (подій); оглядова стаття

    v (past і p.p. thought)
    1) думати, міркувати, мислити (про — about, of); обдумувати, обмірковувати

    to think twice before doing smth.добре (двічі) подумати, перш ніж зробити щось

    I'll think about (of) it — я подумаю про це

    to learn to think in English — навчитися мислити по-англійському, засвоїти англійський спосіб мислення

    2) вважати, гадати, припускати
    3) мати думку

    to think badly of smb., smth. — бути поганої думки про когось, про щось

    4) розуміти, уявляти собі

    I can't think how you did it — не можу уявити собі, як ви це зробили

    I can't think what he means — не можу зрозуміти, що він хоче цим сказати

    5) (of) придумувати (щось), додумуватися (до чогось)
    6) мати на увазі, мати намір, замишляти, задумувати
    7) очікувати, розраховувати, припускати; сподіватися
    8) пригадувати, згадувати

    I think how we were once friends — я пригадую, як ми колись дружили

    9) постійно думати, мріяти
    10) піклуватися, турбуватися, дбати

    to think shameрозм. соромитися

    think for — підозрівати, припускати

    think over — зважувати, обмірковувати

    think through — додумати до кінця, добратися до суті

    think upамер., розм. придумати, вигадати

    to think better of smb. (of smth.) — передумати, змінити думку про когось (про щось)

    to think much of smb. (of smth.)бути високої думки про когось (про щось), високо цінувати когось (щось)

    he thinks he is itрозм. він про себе високої думки

    I think little (nothing) of 30 miles a day — подолати 30 миль за день я вважаю дрібницею

    I don't think — що й казати; нічого не скажеш

    an amiable young lady, I don't think — що й казати — приємна панна

    * * *
    I [aiçk] n
    2) думка; роздуми
    II [aiçk] v
    1) думати, міркувати; мислити

    to think aloud — думати /міркувати/ уголос

    to think (twice) before doing smthподумати ( двічі), перш ніж зробити щось

    he says all he think s — він говорить усе, що думає; що він думає, те е говорить; думати, мати в голові

    to think scorn of smbicт. думати із презирством про когось, нехтувати кимось

    2) думати, вважати; припускати

    then you think that... — виходить, ти вважаєш /думаєш/, що...

    it's better, don't you think, to get it over with — є як по-твоєму, чи не краще відразу з цим покінчитиє

    to think smb the best contemporary novelist — вважати когось кращим сучасним романістом

    to think smb of little account — не з кого-л, ставитися зі зневагою до когось

    to think much /well, highly, a great deal/ or smb; smth — бути високої думки про когось, щось; високо цінувати когось, щось

    to think badly of smb; smth — бути поганої думки про когось, щось

    to think little /nothing/ of smth think to think badly of smth — мати за ніщо; вважати дрібницею

    to think of smb as one's inferior [superior] — вважати когось нижче [вище]себе уявляти собі, уявляти

    to think of smb as still a boy — уявляти собі когось усе ще хлопчиком

    what do you think — є, що б ви думалиє

    only think!, just think of that!, to think of it! — подумати тільки!; уявляєтеє

    you can't think! — подумайте!; ви е уявити собі не можете!; уявляти, малювати в ( своїй) уяві

    3) придумувати, знаходити

    to think a way out of trouble — знайти вихід зі скрутного становища; (of) придумувати, додумуватися

    4) мати на увазі, мати намір; задумувати

    to think of marrying /to marry/ smb — збиратися /мати намір/ женитися на комусь

    5) очікувати, припускати, розраховувати

    I didn't think to see you — я не очікував /не розраховував/ побачити вас

    who would have thought to meet you here — хто б подумав /хто б міг припустити/, що я зустріну вас тутє; підозрювати, чекати

    to think no evil /no harm/ — не запідозрити злого наміру, не чекати нічого поганого; ( for) icт. підозрювати, припускати

    things are worse than you think for — все набагато гірше, ніж ви думаєте

    7) постійно думати, мріяти

    he thinksnothing but sports — він ні про що крім спорту не думає /не може думати/

    8) піклуватися, турбуватися
    9) refl доводити себе роздумами до якогось стану

    he thought himself into a fever — він настільки багато думав, що занедужав /зліг/

    10) пpикм. розумовий; інтелектуальний, філософський

    to think longдiaл. з, нудитися

    to think fit /good, proper/ to do smthвирішуватися зробити щось (звичн. якусь дурість)

    to think better of smth — передумати, змінити думку про щось

    to think bigcл. далеко мітити, мати честолюбні плани

    I don't think — не думаю; нічого подібного, що за дурниці, що за дурниця; нема чого сказати, нічого не скажеш, нічого собі

    an amiable young man, I don't think — приємних парубків, нема чого сказати

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > think

  • 16 think

    (past and past participle thought)
    1) думать, обдумывать (about, of - о ком-л., чем-л.); мыслить
    2) придумывать, находить (of); I cannot think of the right word не могу придумать подходящего слова
    3) считать, полагать; to think fit (или good) счесть возможным, уместным; I think no harm in it я не вижу в этом вреда
    4) понимать, представлять себе; I can't think how you did it не могу себе представить, как вы это сделали; I cannot think what he means не могу понять, что он хочет сказать
    5) ожидать, предполагать; I thought as much я так и предполагал
    6) вспоминать; I think how we were once friends я вспоминаю о том, как мы когда-то дружили; I can't think of his name не могу припомнить его имени
    7) постоянно думать, мечтать
    think out
    think over
    think up
    to think much of быть высокого мнения; высоко ценить
    to think well (highly, badly) of smb. быть хорошего (высокого, дурного) мнения о ком-л.
    to think no end of smb. очень высоко ценить кого-л.
    to think better of
    а) передумать; отказаться от намерения (сделать что-л.);
    б) быть лучшего мнения о ком-л.
    he thinks he is it collocation он о себе высокого мнения
    I think little (или nothing) of 30 miles a day делать 30 миль в день для меня сущий пустяк
    I don't think (прибавляется к ирон. утверждению) нечего сказать; ни дать ни взять
    cogitate, deliberate, meditate, muse, ponder, reason, reflect, ruminate, speculate
    * * *
    (v) думать; мыслить; подумать; помыслить
    * * *
    (thought) думать, считать, полагать
    * * *
    [ θɪŋk] v. думать, подумать, мыслить; полагать, считать, предполагать, допускать; представлять себе
    * * *
    * * *
    1) а) думать б) размышлять, взвешивать, обдумывать 2) думать, полагать, считать, иметь (какое-л.) мнение 3) а) понимать, представлять себе б) мечтать, постоянно думать; придумывать, находить (of) 4) помнить; вспоминать, восстанавливать в памяти

    Новый англо-русский словарь > think

  • 17 ♦ remote

    ♦ remote /rɪˈməʊt/
    A a.
    1 remoto; lontano ( anche fig.): in a remote village, in un remoto villaggio; in the remote past, nel lontano passato; in the remotest ages, nella più remota antichità; a remote ancestor, un lontano antenato; remote causes, cause remote
    2 remoto; vago: a remote possibility, una possibilità remota; a remote resemblance, una vaga somiglianza; I haven't the remotest idea what he means, non ho la benché minima idea di cosa voglia dire
    3 (fig.) distaccato; distante: He is remote and cold in his manner, ha un modo di fare distaccato e freddo
    4 (fig.) lontano; avulso: remote from reality, avulso dalla realtà; More and more people think that politics is remote from everyday concerns, sempre più persone ritengono la politica lontana dalle preoccupazioni di ogni giorno
    B n.
    ● (comput.) remote access, accesso remoto □ remote banking, servizi bancari on line □ remote control, ( radio, telef., TV, ecc.) comando a distanza, telecomando; (miss.) teleguida; (mil.) puntamento a distanza ( di un cannone) □ remote-control (o remote-controlled), telecomandato; (miss.) teleguidato □ (edil.) remote-control gate operator, apricancello automatico con telecomando □ (TV) remote-control unit, telecomando □ (naut.) remote-indicating compass, telebussola □ (elettron.) remote indicator, teleindicatore □ (market.) remote retailing, vendite a distanza □ remote sensing, rilevamento a distanza; = remote control ► sopra e = remote terminal ► sotto □ (market.) remote shopping, acquisti a distanza □ (comput.) remote terminal, terminale remoto.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ remote

  • 18 think

    v ( past і p. p. thought)
    1) ду́мати (про кого, що - about, of), обду́мувати, обмірко́вувати

    to think twice — до́бре поду́мати

    2) приду́мувати; підшу́кувати (of)

    I cannot think of the right word — не мо́жу підшука́ти потрі́бного сло́ва

    3) вважа́ти, гада́ти

    to think fit [good] — ви́знати за можли́ве (доре́чне)

    4) розумі́ти, уявля́ти

    I can't think how you did it — не мо́жу собі́ уяви́ти, як ви це зроби́ли

    I can't think what he means — не мо́жу зрозумі́ти, що він хо́че сказа́ти

    5) ма́ти на ува́зі; ма́ти на́мір

    to think no harm — не ма́ти лихи́х на́мірів

    6) прига́дувати

    I think how we were once friends — я прига́дую, як ми коли́сь дружи́ли

    7) пості́йно ду́мати (мрі́яти)
    - think over
    - think up

    to think much of — бу́ти висо́кої ду́мки; ви́соко цінува́ти

    to think well of smb. — бу́ти до́брої ду́мки про ко́гось

    to think no end of smb. — ду́же ви́соко цінува́ти кого́сь

    to think better of — 1) зміни́ти ду́мку; відмо́витися від на́міру ( зробити щось) 2) бу́ти кра́щої ду́мки про ко́гось

    he thinks he is it — він про се́бе висо́кої ду́мки

    I think little [nothing] of 10 miles a day — подола́ти 10 миль для ме́не дрібни́ця

    English-Ukrainian transcription dictionary > think

  • 19 AF

    * * *
    prep. w. dat.
    I. Of place:
    1) off, from;
    G. hljóp af hesti sínum, G. jumped off his horse;
    ganga af mótinu, to go away from the meeting;
    Flosi kastaði af sér skikkjunni, threw off his cloak;
    Gizzur gekk af útsuðri at gerðinu, from the south-west;
    hann hafði leyst af sér skúa sína, he had taken off his shoes;
    Steinarr vildi slíta hann af sér, throw him off;
    tók Gísli þá af sér vápnin, took off his arms;
    bréf af Magnúsi konungi, a letter from king Magnus;
    hverr af öðrum, one after another, in succession;
    vil ek þú vinnir af þér skuldina, work off the debt;
    muntu enga sætt af mér fá, no peace at my hand;
    rísa af dauða, to rise from the dead;
    vakna af draumi, to awaken from a dream;
    lúka upp af hrossi, to open a gate from off a horse;
    vindr stóð af landi, the wind blew from the land;
    2) out of;
    verða tekinn af heimi, to be taken out of the world;
    gruflar hón af læknum, she scrambles out of the brook;
    Otradalr var mjök af vegi, far out of the way.
    Connected with út; föstudaginn fór út herrinn af borginni, marched out of the town.
    II. Of time; past, beyond:
    af ómagaaldri, able to support oneself, of age;
    ek em nú af léttasta skeiði, no longer in the prime of life;
    þá er sjau vikur eru af sumri, when seven weeks of summer are past;
    var mikit af nótt, much of the night was past.
    III. In various other relations:
    1) þiggja lið af e-m, to receive help from one;
    hafa umboð af e-m, to be another’s deputy;
    vera góðs (ills) maklegr af e-m, to deserve good (bad) of one;
    féll þar lið mart af Eyvindi, many of Eyvind’s men fell there;
    þá eru þeir útlagir ok af goðorði sínu, have forfeited their goðorð;
    þá skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni, forfeit all the claim;
    ek skal stefna þér af konunni, summon thee to give up;
    2) off, of;
    höggva fót, hönd, af e-m, to cut off one’s foot, hand;
    vil ek, at þú takir slíkt sem þér líkar af varningi, whatever you like of the stores;
    þar lá forkr einn ok brotit af endanum, with the point broken off;
    absol., beit hann höndina af, bit the hand off;
    fauk af höfuðit, the head flew off;
    3) of, among;
    hinn efniligasti maðr af ungum mönnum, the most promising of the young men;
    4) with;
    hláða, (ferma) skip af e-u, to load (freight) a ship with;
    fylla heiminn af sínu kyni, to fill the world with his offspring;
    5) of (= ór which is more frequent);
    húsit var gert af timbr stokkum, was built of trunks of trees;
    6) fig., eigi vita menn hvat af honum er orðit, what has become of him;
    hvat hefir þú gert af Gunnari, what hast thou done with Gunnar?;
    7) denoting parentage, descent, origin;
    ok eru af þeim komnir Gilsbekkingar, are descended from them;
    kominn af Trójumönnum, descended from the Trojans;
    8) by, of (after passive);
    ek em sendr hingat af Starkaði, sent hither by;
    ástsæll af landsmónnum, beloved of;
    9) on account of, by reason of, by;
    úbygðr at frosti ok kulda, because of frost and cold;
    ómáli af áverkum, speechless from wounds;
    af ástæld hans, by his popularity;
    af því, therefore;
    af hví, wherefor why;
    af því at, because;
    10) by means of, by;
    framfœra e-n af verkum sínum, by means of his own labour;
    af sínu fé, by one’s own means;
    absol., hann fekk af hina mestu sœmd, derived great honour from it;
    11) with adjectives, in regard to;
    mildr af fé, liberal of money;
    góðr af griðum, merciful;
    12) used absol. with a verb, off away;
    hann bað hann þá róa af fjörðinn, to row the firth off;
    ok er þeir höfðu af fjörðung, when they had covered one forth of the way;
    sofa af nóttina, to sleep the night away.
    * * *
    prep. often used elliptically by dropping the case, or even merely adverbially, [Ulf. af; A. S. and Engl. of, off; Hel. ab; Germ. ab; Gr. άπό; Lat. a, ab.] With dat. denoting a motion a loco; one of the three prepp. af, ór, frá, corresponding to those in locoá, í, við, and ad locumá, í, at. It in general corresponds to the prepp. in locoá, or in locum til, whilst ór answers more to í; but it also frequently corresponds to yfir, um or í. It ranges between ór and frá, generally denoting the idea from the surface of, while ór means from the inner part, and frá from the outer part or border. The motion from a hill, plain, open place is thus denoted by af; by ór that from an enclosed space, depth, cavity, thus af fjalli, but ór of a valley, dale; af Englandi, but ór Danmörk, as mörk implies the notion of a deep wood, forest. The wind blows af landi, but a ship sets sail frá landi; frá landi also means a distance from: af hendi, of a glove, ring; ór hendi, of whatever has been kept in the hand (correl. to á hendi and í hendi). On the other hand af is more general, whilst frá and ór are of a more special character; frá denoting a departure, ór an impulse or force; a member goes home af þingi, whereas ór may denote an inmate of a district, or convey the notion of secession or exclusion from, Eb. 105 new Ed.; the traveller goes af landi, the exile ór landi: taka e-t af e-m is to take a thing out of one’s hand, that of taka frá e-m to remove out of one’s sight, etc. In general af answers to Engl. of, off, ór to out of, and frá to from: the Lat. prepp. ab, de, and ex do not exactly correspond to the Icelandic, yet as a rule ór may answer to ex, af sometimes to ab, sometimes to de. Of, off, from among; with, by; on account of by means of, because of concerning, in respect of.
    A. Loc.
    I. With motion, off, from:
    1. prop. corresp. to á,
    α. konungr dró gullhring af hendi sér (but á hendi), Ld. 32; Höskuldr lætr bera farm af skipi, unload the ship (but bera farm á skip), id.; var tekit af hestum þeirra, they were unsaddled, Nj. 4; Gunnarr hafði farit heiman af bæ sínum, he was away from home, 82; Gunnarr hljóp af hesti sínum, jumped off his horse (but hl. á hest), 83; hlaupa, stökkva af baki, id., 112, 264 ; Gunnarr skýtr til hans af boganum, from the bow, where af has a slight notion of instrumentality, 96; flýja af fundinum, to fly from off the battle-field, 102; ríða af Þríhyrningshálsum, 206; út af Langaholti, Eg. 744 ; sunnan ór Danmörk ok af Saxlandi, 560; ganga af mótinu, to go from the meeting, Fms. vii. 130; af þeirra fundi reis María upp ok fór, 625. 85 ; Flosi kastaði af ser skikkjunni, threw his cloak off him (but kasta á sik),Nj. 176; taka Hrungnis fót af honum, of a load, burden, Edda 58; land þat er hann fiskði af, from which he set off to fish, Grág. i. 151, is irregular, frá would suit better; slíta af baki e-s, from off one’s back, ii. 9 ; bera af borði, to clear the table, Nj. 75.
    β. where it more nearly answers to í; þeir koma af hafi, of sailors coming in (but leggja í haf), Nj. 128 ; fara til Noregs af Orkneyjum (but í or til O.), 131; þeim Agli fórst vel ok komu af hafi i Borgarfjörð, Eg. 392 ; hann var útlagi ( outlawed) af Noregi, where ór would be more regular, 344; af Islandi, of a traveller, Fms. x. 3; búa her af báðum ríkjunum, to take a levy from, 51; hinir beztu bændr ór Norðlendingafjórðungi ok af Sunnlendingafjórðungi, the most eminent Southerners and Northerners, 113; Gizzurr gékk af útsuðri at gerðinu, from south-west, Sturl. ii. 219; prestar af hvárutveggja biskupsdæmi, from either diocess, Dipl. ii. 11; verða tekinn af heimi, to be taken out of the world, 623. 21; gruflar hon af læknum, scrambles out of the brook, Ísl. ii. 340; Egill kneyfði af horninu í einum drykk, drained off the horn at one draught, literally squeezed every drop out of it, Eg. 557; brottuaf herbúðunurn, Fms. x. 343.
    γ. of things more or less surrounding the subject, corresp. to yfir or um; láta þeir þegar af sér tjöldin, break off, take down the tents in preparing for battle, Eg. 261; kyrtillinn rifnaði af honum, his coat burst, caused by the swollen body, 602; hann hafði leyst af sér skúa sína, he untied his shoes (but binda á sik), 716; Steinarr vildi slíta hann af sér, throw him off, of one clinging to one’s body, 747; tók Gísli þá af sér vápnin, took off his arms, Fms. vii. 39. Of putting off clothes; fara af kápu, Nj. 143; far þú eigi af brynjunni, Bs. i. 541; þá ætlaði Sigurðr at fara af brynjunni, id.; þá var Skarphéðinn flettr af klæðunum, Nj. 209: now more usually fara or klæðum, fötum, exuere, to undress.
    δ. connected with út; föstudaginn for út herrinn af borginni, marched out of the town, Nj. 274; ganga út af kirkjunni, to go out of the church, now út úr, Fms. vii. 107: drekki hann af þeirri jörðunni, of something impregnated with the earth, Laekn. 402.
    ε. more closely corresponding to frá, being in such cases a Latinism (now frá); bréf af páfa, a pope’s bull, Fms. x. 6; rit af hánum, letter from him, 623. 52; bréf af Magnúsi konungi, a letter from king Magnus, Bs. i. 712; farið þér á brautu af mér í eilífan eld, Hom. 143; brott af drottins augliti, Stj. 43.
    ζ. denoting an uninterrupted continuity, in such phrases as land aflandi, from land to land, Eg. 343, Fas. ii. 539; skip af skipl. from ship to ship, Fms. v. 10; brann hvat af öðru, one after another, of an increasing fire, destroying everything, i. 128; brandr af brandi brenn, funi kveykist af funa, one from another, Hm. 56; hverr af öðrum, one after another, in succession, also hverr at öðrum, Eb. 272, 280 (where at in both passages).
    2. metaph., at ganga af e-m dauðum, to go from, leave one dead on the spot, of two combatants; en hann segiz bani hins ef hann gekk af dauðum manni, Grág. ii. 88, Hkr. 1. 327; undr þykir mér er bróðir þinn vildi eigi taka af þér starf þetta, would not take this toil from thee, Nj. 77; þegnar hans glöddust af honum, were fain of him, Fms. x. 380; at koma þeim manni af sér er settr var á fé hans, to get rid of, Ld. 52; vil ek þú vinriir af þér skuldina, work off the debt, Njarð. 366; reka af sér, to repel, Sturl. ii. 219; hann á þá sonu er aldri munu af oss ganga, who will never leave us, whom we shall never get rid of, Fas. i. 280; leysa e-n af e-u, to relieve, 64; taka e-n af lífi, to kill, Eg. 48, 416, Nj. 126; af lífdögum, Fms. vii. 204; ek mun ná lögum af því máli, get the benefit of the law in this case, Eg. 468; muntu enga sætt af mér fá, no peace at my hand, 414; rísa af dauða, to rise from death, Fms. ii. 142; guð bætti honum þó af þessi sótt, healed him of this sickness, ix. 390; vakna af sýn, draumi, svefni, to awaken from a vision, dream, sleep, 655 xxxii. I, Gísl. 24, Eb. 192, Fas. i. 41. Rather with the notion out of, in the phrase af sér etc., e. g. sýna e-t af scr, to shew, exhibit a disposition for or against, Ld. 18; gera mikit af sér, to shew great prowess, Ísl. ii. 368; éf þú gerir eigi meira af þér um aðra leika, unless you make more of thyself, Edda 32; Svipdagr hafði mikit af sér gert, fought bravely, Fas. i. 41; góðr (illr) af sér, good ( bad) of oneself, by nature; mikill af sjálfum sér, proud, bold, stout, Nj. 15; ágætastr maðr af sjálfum sér, the greatest hero, Bret.: góðr af ser, excellent, Hrafn. 7; but, on the contrary, af sér kominn, ruinous, in decay; this phrase is used of old houses or buildings, as in Bs. i. 488 = Sturl. l. c.; af sér kominn af mæði can also be said of a man fallen off from what he used to be; kominn af fotum fram, off his legs from age, Sturl. i. 223, Korm. 154 (in a verse).
    1. denoting direction from, but at the same time continuous connection with an object from which an act or thing proceeds, from; tengja skip hvárt fram af stafni annars, to tie the ships in a line, stem to stern, Fms. i. 157, xi. 111; svá at þeir tóku út af borðum, jutted out of the boards, of rafters or poles, iv. 49; stjarna ok af sem skaft, of a comet, ix. 482; lúka upp af hrossi, to open a gate from off a horse, Grág. ii. 264; hon svarar af sínu sæti sem álpt af baru, Fás. i. 186; þar er sjá mátti utau af firði, af þjóðleið, that might be seen from the fareway on the sea when sailing in the firth, Hkr. ii. 64; þá mun hringt af (better at) Burakirkju, of bells rung at the church, Fms. xi. 160; gengr þar af Meðalfellsströnd, projects from, juts out, of a promontory, Ld. 10.
    2. denoting direction alone; upp af víkinni stóð borg mikil, a burg inland from the inlet, Eg. 161; lokrekkja innar af seti, a shut bed inward from the benches in the hall, Ísl. ii. 262; kapella upp af konungs herbergjum, upwards from, Fms. x. 153; vindr stóð af landi, the wind stood off the land, Bárð. 166.
    β. metaph., stauda af e-u, vide VI. 4.
    γ. ellipt., hallaði af norðr, of the channel, north of a spot, Boll. 348; also, austr af, suðr af, vestr af, etc.
    3. denoting absence; þingheyendr skulu eigi vera um nótt af þingi ( away from the meeting), eðr lengr, þá eru þeir af þingi ( away from (be meeting) ef þeir eru or ( out of) þingmarki, Grág. i. 25; vera um nótt af várþingi, 115; meðan hann er af landi héðan, abroad, 150.
    β. metaph., gud hvíldi af öllum verkum sínum á sjaunda degi, rested from his labours, Ver. 3.
    4. denoting distance; þat er komit af þjóðleið, out of the high road, remote, Eg. 369; af þjóðbraut, Grág. ii. 264, i. 15; Otradalr (a farm) var mjök af vegi, far out of the way, Háv. 53.
    B. TEMP, past, from, out of, beyond:
    1. of a person’s age, in the sense of having past a period of life; af ómaga aldri, of age, able to support oneself, Grág. i. 243; af aeskualdri, stricken in years, having past the prime of life, Eg. 202; lítið af barnsaldri, still a child, Ld. 74; ek em nú af léttasia skeiði, no longer in the prime of life, Háv. 40.
    2. of a part or period of time, past; eigi síðar en nótt er af þingi, a night of the session past, Grág. i. 101; þá er sjau vikur eru af sumri, seven weeks past of the summer, 182; tíu vikur af sumri, Íb. 10; var mikit af nótt, much of the night was past, Háv. 41; mikið af vetri, much of the winter was past, Fas. ii. 186; þriðjungr af nótt, a third of the night past, Fms. x. 160; stund af degi, etc.; tveir mánoðr af sumri, Gþl. 103.
    3. in adverbial phrases such as, af stundu, soon; af bragði, at once; af tómi, at leisure, at ease; af nýju, again; af skyndingu, speedily; af bráðungu, in a hurry, etc.
    C. In various other relations:
    I. denoting the passage or transition of an object, concrete or abstract, of, from.
    1. where a thing is received, derived from, conferred by a person or object; þiggja lið af e-m, to derive help from, Edda 26; taka traust af e-m, to receive support, comfort from, Fms. xi. 243; taka mála af e-m, to be in one’s pay, of a soldier, Eg. 266; halda land af e-m, to hold land of any one, 282; verða viss af e-m, to get information from, 57, Nj. 130; taka við sök af manni (a law term), to undertake a case, suit, Grág. i. 142; hafa umboð af e-m, to be another’s deputy, ii. 374; vera góðs (ills) maklegr af e-m, to deserve good (bad) of, Vd. 88 (old Ed., the new reads frá), Fs. 45; afla matar af eyjum, to derive supplies from, Eb. 12.
    2. where an object is taken by force:
    α. prop. out of a person’s hand; þú skalt hnykkja smíðit af honum, wrest it out of his hand, Nj. 32; cp. taka, þrífa, svipta e-u (e-t) af e-m, to wrest from.
    β. metaph. of a person’s deprival of anything in general; hann tók af þér konuna, carried thy wife off, Nj. 33; tók Gunnarr af þér sáðland þitt, robbed thee of seedland, 103; taka af honum tignina, to depose, degrade him, Eg. 271; vinna e-t af e-m, to carry off by force of arms, conquer, Fms. iii. 29; drepa menn af e-m, for one, slay one’s man, Eg. 417; fell þar lið mart af Eyvindi, many of Eyvind’s people fell there, 261.
    γ. in such phrases as, hyggja af e-u (v. afhuga), hugsa af e-u, to forget; hyggja af harmi; sjá af e-u, to lose, miss; var svá ástúðigt með þeim, at livargi þóttist mega af öðrum sjá, neither of them could take his eyes off the other, Sturl. i. 194; svá er mörg við ver sinn vær, at varla um sér hon af hoiuun nær, Skálda 163.
    3. denoting forfeiture; þá eru þeir útlagir, ok af goðorði sínu, have forfeited their priesthood, Grág. i. 24; telja hann af ráðunum fjár síns alls, to oust one, on account of idiocy or madness, 176; verða af kaupi, to be off the bargain, Edda 26; þá skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni, forfeit all the claim, Nj. 15; ek skal stefna þér af konunni, summon thee to forfeit, a case of divorce, id.; ella er hann af rettarfari um hana, has forfeited the suit, Grág. i. 381.
    β. ellipt., af ferr eindagi ef, is forfeited, Grág. i. 140.
    II. denoting relation of a part to a whole, off, of, Lat. de; höggva hönd, höfuð, fót af e-um, to cut one’s hand, head, foot off, Nj. 97, 92, Bs. i. 674; höggva spjót af skapti, to sever the blade from the shaft, 264; hann lét þá ekki hafa af föðurarfi sínum, nothing of their patrimony, Eg. 25; vil ek at þú takir slíkt sem þér líkar af varningi, take what you like of the stores, Nj. 4; at þú eignist slíkt af fé okkru sem þú vili, 94.
    β. ellipt., en nú höfum vér kjörit, en þat er af krossinum, a slice of, Fms. vii. 89; Þórðr gaf Skólm frænda sínum af landnámi sínu, a part of, Landn. 211; hafði hann þat af hans eigu er hann vildi, Sturl. ii. 169; þar lá forkr einn ok brotið af endanum, the point broken off, Háv. 24, Sturl. i. 169.
    γ. absol. off; beit hann höndina af, þar sem nú heitir úlfliðr, bit the hand off, Edda 17; fauk af höfuðit, the head flew off, Nj. 97; jafnt er sem þér synist, af er fótrinn, the foot is off, id.; af bæði eyru, both ears off, Vm. 29.
    2. with the notion ofamong; mestr skörungr af konum á Norðrlöndum, the greatest heroine in the North, Fms. i. 116; hinn efniligasti maðr af ungum mönnum í Austfjörðum, the most hopeful of youths in the Eastfirths, Njarð. 364; af ( among) öllurn hirðmönnuni virði konungr mest skáld sín, Eg. 27; ef hann vildi nokkura kaupa af þessum konum, Ld. 30; ör liggr þar útiá vegginum, ok er sú af þeirra örum, one of their own arrows, Nj. 115.
    β. from, among, belonging to; guð kaus hana af ollum konum sér til móður, of the Virgin Mary, Mar. A. i. 27.
    γ. metaph., kunna mikit (lítið) af e-u, to know much, little of, Bragi kann mest af skáldskap, is more cunning of poetry than any one else, Edda 17.
    δ. absol. out of, before, in preference to all others; Gunnarr bauð þér góð boð, en þú vildir eingi af taka, you would choose none of them, Nj. 77; ráða e-t af, to decide; þó mun faðir minn mestu af ráða, all depends upon him, Ld. 22; konungr kveðst því mundu heldr af trúa, preferred believing that of the two, Eg. 55; var honum ekki vildara af ván, he could expect nothing better, 364.
    3. with the additional sense of instrumentality, with; ferma skip af e-u, to freight a ship with, Eg. 364; hlaða mörg skip af korni, load many ships with corn, Fms. xi. 8; klyfja tvá hesta af mat, Nj. 74; var vágrinn skipaðr af herskipum, the bay was covered with war ships, 124; fylla ker af glóðum, fill it with embers, Stj. 319; fylla heiminn af sínu kyni, to fill the world with his offspring, Ver. 3.
    III. denoting the substance of which a thing is made, of; used indifferently with ór, though ór be more frequent; þeir gerðu af honum jörðina, af blóði hans sæinn ok vötnin, of the creation of the world from the corpse of the giant Ymir; the poem Gm. 40, 41, constantly uses ór in this sense, just as in modern Icelandic, Edda 5; svá skildu þeir, at allir hlutir væri smíðaðir af nokkru efni, 147 (pref.); húsit var gert af timbrstokkum, built of trunks of timber, Eg. 233; hjöhin vóru af gulli, of gold, golden, Fms. i. 17; af osti, of cheese, but in the verse 1. c. ór osti, Fms. vi. 253; línklæði af lérepti, linen, Sks. 287.
    2. metaph. in the phrases, göra e-t af e-n ( to dispose of), verða af ( become of), hvat hefir þú gört af Gunnari, what hast thou done with Gunnar? Njarð. 376; hvat af motrinuni er orðit, what has become of it? of a lost thing, Ld. 208; hverfr Óspakr á burt, svá eigi vita menn hvat af honum er orðit, what has become of him? Band. 5.
    IV. denoting parentage, descent, origin, domicile, abode:
    1. parentage, of, from, used indifferently with frá; ok eru af þeim komnir Gilsbekkingar, descend from them, but a little below—frá honum eru konmir Sturlungar, Eb. 338, cp. afkvæmi; af ætt Hörðakára, Fms. i. 287; kominn af Trojumönnum, xi. 416; af Ása-ætt (Kb. wrongly at), Edda I.
    β. metaph., vera af Guði (theol.), of God, = righteous, 686 B. 9; illr ávöxtr af íllri rót, Fms. ii. 48; Asia er kölluð af nafni nokkurar konu, derives her name from, Stj. 67; af honum er bragr kallaðr skáldskapr, called after his name, Edda 17.
    2. of domicile; af danskri tungu, of Danish or Scandinavian origin, speaking the Danish tongue, Grág. ii. 73; hvaðan af löndum, whence, native of what country? Ísl.
    β. especially denoting a man’s abode, and answering to á and í, the name of the farm (or country) being added to proper names, (as in Scotland,) to distinguish persons of the same name; Hallr af Síðu, Nj. 189; Erlingr af Straumey, 273; Ástríðr af Djúpárbakka, 39; Gunnarr af Hlíðarenda (more usual frá); þorir haklangr konungr af Ögðum, king of Agdir, Eg. 35, etc.; cp. ór and frá.
    V. denoting a person with whom an act, feeling, etc. originates, for the most part with a periphrastic passive:
    1. by, the Old Engl. of; as, ek em sendr hingað af Starkaði ok sonum hans, sent hither by, Nj. 94; inna e-t af hendi, to perform, 257; þó at alþýða væri skírð af kennimönnum, baptized of, Fms. ii. 158; meira virðr af mönnum, higher esteemed, Ld. 158; ástsæll af landsmönnum, beloved, íb. 16; vinsæll af mönnum, Nj. 102; í allgóðu yfirlæti af þeim feðgum, hospitably treated by them, Eg. 170; var þá nokkut drukkið af alþjóð, there was somewhat hard drinking of the people, Sturl. iii. 229; mun þat ekki upp tekið af þeim sükudólgum mínum, they will not clutch at that, Nj. 257; ef svá væri í hendr þér búit af mér, if í had so made everything ready to thy hands, Ld. 130; þá varð fárætt um af föður hans, his father said little about it, Fms. ii. 154.
    2. it is now also sometimes used as a periphrase of a nom., e. g. ritað, þýtt af e-m, written, translated, edited by, but such phrases scarcely occur in old writers.
    VI. denoting cause, ground, reason:
    1. originating from, on account of, by reason of; af frændsemis sökum, for kinship’s sake, Grág. ii. 72; ómáli af áverkum, speechless from wounds, 27; af manna völdum, by violence, not by natural accident, of a crime, Nj. 76; af fortölum Halls, through his pleading, 255; af ástsæld hans ok af tölum þeirra Sæmundar, by his popularity and the eloquence of S., Íb. 16; af ráðum Haralds konungs, by his contriving, Landn. 157; úbygðr af frosti ok kulda, because of frost and cold, Hkr. i. 5.
    β. adverbially, af því, therefore, Nj. 78; af hví, why? 686 B. 9; þá verðr bóndi heiðinn af barni sínu, viz. if he does not cause his child to be christened, K. Þ. K. 20.
    2. denoting instrumentality, by means of; af sinu fé, by one’s own means, Grág. i. 293; framfæra e-n af verkum sinum, by means of one’s own labour, K. Þ. K. 142; draga saman auð af sökum, ok vælum ok kaupum, make money by, 623. I; af sínum kostnaði, at hi s own expense, Hkr. i. 217.
    β. absol., hún fellir á mik dropa svá heita at ek brenn af öll, Ld. 328; hann fékk af hina mestu sæmd, derived great honotur from it, Nj. 88; elli sótti á hendr honum svá at hann lagðist í rekkju af, he grew bedridden from age, Ld. 54; komast undan af hlaupi, escape by running, Fms. viii. 58; spinna garn af rokki, spin off a wheel (now, spinna á rokk), from a notion of instrumentality, or because of the thread being spun out (?), Eb. 92.
    3. denoting proceeding, originating from; lýsti af höndum hennar, her hands spread beams of light, Edda 22; allir heimar lýstust ( were illuminated) af henni, id.; en er lýsti af degi, when the day broke forth, Fms. ii. 16; lítt var lýst af degi, the day was just beginning to break, Ld. 46; þá tók at myrkja af nótt, the ‘mirk-time’ of night began to set in, Eg. 230; tók þá brátt at myrkva af nótt, the night grew dark, Hkr. ii. 230.
    4. metaph., standa, leiða, hljótast af, to be caused by, result from; opt hlýtst íllt af kvenna hjali, great mischief is wrought by women’s gossip (a proverb), Gísl. 15, 98; at af þeim mundi mikit mein ok úhapp standa, be caused by, Edda 18; kenna kulda af ráðum e-s, to feel sore from, Eb. 42; þó mun her hljótast af margs manns bani, Nj, 90.
    5. in adverbial phrases, denoting state of mind; af mikilli æði, in fury, Nj. 116; af móð, in great emotion, Fms. xi. 221; af áhyggju, with concern, i. 186; af létta, frankly, iii. 91; af viti, collectedly, Grág. ii. 27; af heilu, sincerely, Eg. 46; áf fári, in rage; af æðru, timidly, Nj. (in a verse); af setning, composedly, in tune, Fms. iii. 187; af mikilli frægð, gallantly, Fas. i. 261; af öllu afli, with all might, Grág. ii. 41; af riki, violently, Fbr. (in a verse); af trúnaði, confidently, Grág. i. 400.
    VII. denoting regard to, of, concerning, in respect of, as regards:
    1. with verbs, denoting to tell of, be informed, inquire about, Lat. de; Dioscorides segir af grasi því, speaks of, 655 xxx. 5; er menn spurðu af landinu, inquired about it, Landn. 30; halda njósn af e-u, Nj. 104; er þat skjótast þar af at segja, Eg. 546, Band. 8.
    β. absol., hann mun spyrja, hvárt þér sé nokkut af kunnigt hversu for með okkr, whether you know anything about, how, Nj. 33; halda skóla af, to hold a school in a science, 656 A. i. 19 (sounds like a Latinism); en ek gerða þik sera mestan mann af öllu, in respect of all, that you should get all the honour of it, Nj. 78.
    2. with adjectives such as mildr, illr, góðrafe-u, denoting disposition or character in respect to; alira manna mildastr af fo, very liberal, often-banded, Fms. vii. 197; mildr af gulli, i. 33; góðr af griðum, merciful, Al. 33; íllr af mat en mildr af gulli, Fms. i. 53; fastr af drykk, close, stingy in regard to, Sturl. ii. 125; gat þess Hildigunnr at þú mundir góðr af hestinum, that you would be good about the horse, Nj. 90, cp. auðigr at, v. at, which corresponds to the above phrases; cp. also the phrase af sér above, p. 4, col. I, ll. 50 sqq.
    VIII. periphrasis of a genitive (rare); provincialis af öllum Predikaraklaustrum, Fms. x. 76; vera af hinum mesta fjandskap, to breathe deep hatred to, be on bad terms with, ix. 220; af hendi, af hálfu e-s, on one’s behalf, v. those words.
    IX. in adverbial phrases; as, af launungu, secretly; af hljóði, silently; v. those words.
    β. also used absolutely with a verb, almost adverbially, nearly in the signification off, away; hann bað þá róa af fjörðinn, pass the firth swiftly by rowing, row the firth off, Fms. ix. 502; var pá af farit þat seni skerjóttast var, was past, sailed past, Ld. 142; ok er þeir höfðu af fjórðung, past one fourth of the way, Dropl. 10: skína af, to clear up, of the skv, Eb. 152; hence in common language, skína af sér, when the sun breaks forth: sofa af nóttina, to sleep it away, Fms. ii. 98; leið af nóttin, the night past away, Nj. 53; dvelja af stundir, to kill the time, Band. 8; drepa af, to kill; láta af, to slaughter, kill off;
    γ. in exclamations; af tjöldin, off with the awnings, Bs. i. 420, Fins, ix. 49.
    δ. in the phrases, þar af, thence; hér af, hence, Fms. ii. 102; af fram, straight on, Nj. 144; now, á fram, on, advance.
    X. it often refers to a whole sentence or to an adverb, not only like other prepp. to hér, hvar, þar, but also redundantly to hvaðan, héðan, þaðan, whence, hence, thence.
    2. the preposition may sometimes be repeated, once elliptically or adverbially, and once properly, e. g. en er af var borit at borðinu, the cloth was taken off from the table, Nj. 176; Guð þerrir af (off, away) hvert tár af ( from) augum heilagra manna, God wipes off every tear from the eyes of his saints, 655 xx. vii. 17; skal þó fyrst bætr af lúka af fé vegaiula, pay off, from, Gþl. 160, the last af may be omitted—var þá af borið borðinu—and the prep. thus be separated from its case, or it may refer to some of the indecl. relatives er or sem, the prep. hvar, hér, þar being placed behind them without a case, and referring to the preceding relative, e. g. oss er þar mikit af sagt auð þeim, we have been told much about these riches, Band. 24; er þat skjótast þar af at segja, in short, shortly. Eg. 546; þaðan af veit ek, thence í infer, know, Fms. i. 97.
    XI. it is moreover connected with a great many verbs besides those mentioned above, e. g. bera af, to excel, whence afbragð, afbrigði; draga af, to detract, deduct, hence afdráttr; veita ekki af, to be hard with; ganga at, to be left, hence afgangr; standast af um e-t, to stand, how matters stand; sem af tekr, at a furious rate; vita af, to be conscious, know about (vide VII).
    D. As a prefix to compounds distinction is to be made between:
    I. af privativum, denoting diminution, want, deduction, loss, separation, negation of, etc., answering indifferently to Lat. ab-, de-, ex-, dis-, and rarely to re- and se-, v. the following COMPDS, such as segja, dicere, but afsegja, negare; rækja, colere, but afrækja, negligere; aflaga, contra legem; skapligr, normalis, afskapligr, deformis; afvik, recessus; afhús, afhellir, afdalr, etc.
    II. af intensivum, etymologically different, and akin to of, afr-, e. g. afdrykkja = ofdrykkja, inebrietas; afbrýði, jealously; afbendi, tenesmus; afglapi, vir fatuus, etc. etc. Both the privative and the intensive af may be contracted into á, esp. before a labial f, m, v, e. g. á fram = af fram; ábrýði = afbrýði; ávöxtr = afvöxtr; áburðr = afburðr; ávíta = afvíta (?). In some cases dubious. With extenuated and changed vowel; auvirðiligr or övirðiligr, depreciated, = afv- etc., v. those words.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AF

  • 20 mean

    I noun
    Mittelweg, der; Mitte, die

    a happy mean — der goldene Mittelweg

    II adjective
    1) (niggardly) schäbig (abwertend)
    2) (ignoble) schäbig (abwertend), gemein [Person, Verhalten, Gesinnung]
    3) (shabby) schäbig (abwertend) [Haus, Wohngegend]; armselig [Verhältnisse]

    be no mean athlete/feat — kein schlechter Sportler/keine schlechte Leistung sein

    III transitive verb,
    1) (have as one's purpose) beabsichtigen

    mean well by or to or towards somebody — es gut mit jemandem meinen

    what do you mean by [saying] that? — was willst du damit sagen?

    I meant it or it was meant as a joke — das sollte ein Scherz sein

    I mean to be obeyed — ich verlange, dass man mir gehorcht

    I meant to write, but forgot — ich hatte [fest] vor zu schreiben, aber habe es [dann] vergessen

    do you mean to say that...? — willst du damit sagen, dass...?

    I meant you to read the letter — ich wollte, dass du den Brief liest

    3) (intend to convey, refer to) meinen

    if you know or see what I mean — du verstehst, was ich meine?

    I really mean it, I mean what I say — ich meine das ernst; es ist mir Ernst damit

    4) (signify, entail, matter) bedeuten

    the name means/the instructions mean nothing to me — der Name sagt mir nichts/ich kann mit der Anleitung nichts anfangen

    * * *
    [mi:n] I adjective
    1) (not generous (with money etc): He's very mean (with his money / over pay).) knauserig
    2) (likely or intending to cause harm or annoyance: It is mean to tell lies.) gemein
    3) ((especially American) bad-tempered, vicious or cruel: a mean mood.) bösartig
    4) ((of a house etc) of poor quality; humble: a mean dwelling.) schäbig
    - academic.ru/45801/meanly">meanly
    - meanness
    - meanie
    II 1. adjective
    1) ((of a statistic) having the middle position between two points, quantities etc: the mean value on a graph.) Mittel-...
    2) (average: the mean annual rainfall.) durchschnittlich
    2. noun
    (something that is midway between two opposite ends or extremes: Three is the mean of the series one to five.) die Mitte
    III 1. past tense, past participle - meant; verb
    1) (to (intend to) express, show or indicate: `Vacation' means `holiday'; What do you mean by (saying/doing) that?) meinen
    2) (to intend: I meant to go to the exhibition but forgot; For whom was that letter meant?; He means (= is determined) to be a rich man some day.) beabsichtigen
    2. adjective
    ((of a look, glance etc) showing a certain feeling or giving a certain message: The teacher gave the boy a meaning look when he arrived late.) bedeutsam
    - meaningful
    - meaningless
    - be meant to
    - mean well
    * * *
    1. esp BRIT (miserly) geizig, knauserig, kleinlich
    to be \mean with sth mit etw dat geizen
    2. (unkind) gemein, fies fam
    I felt a bit \mean ich kam mir ein bisschen schäbig vor
    to be \mean to sb gemein zu jdm sein
    to have a \mean streak eine gemeine Ader haben
    3. AM (vicious) aggressiv; (dangerous) gefährlich
    \mean dog bissiger Hund
    4. (run-down) heruntergekommen, schäbig pej
    5. (bad) schlecht
    he's no \mean cook er ist kein schlechter Koch
    no \mean feat eine Meisterleistung
    6. AM (sl: good) super fam, toll fam, geil sl
    he plays a \mean guitar er spielt supergeil Gitarre sl
    7. ( form: small) gering
    it should be clear even to the \meanest understanding das sollte auch dem Unbedarftesten klar sein
    <meant, meant>
    to \mean sth
    1. (signify) word, symbol etw bedeuten
    that sign \means ‘no parking’ das Schild bedeutet ‚Parken verboten‘
    no \means no nein heißt nein
    does that name \mean anything to you? sagt dir der Name etwas?
    do you remember Jane Carter? — you \mean the woman we met in Scotland? erinnerst du dich an Jane Carter? — meinst du die Frau, die wir in Schottland getroffen haben?
    what do you \mean by that? was willst du damit sagen?
    what do you \mean, it was my fault? soll das etwa heißen, es war mein Fehler?
    what do you \mean by arriving so late? was denkst du dir eigentlich dabei, so spät zu kommen?
    did you have a good holiday? — it depends what you \mean by a good holiday hattest du einen schönen Urlaub? — es hängt davon ab, was du unter schönem Urlaub verstehst
    now I see what you \mean jetzt weiß ich, was du meinst
    I \mean to say [also,] ich muss schon sagen
    3. (be sincere) etw ernst meinen
    I \mean what I say es ist mir ernst mit dem, was ich sage
    he said a lot of things he didn't really \mean er sagte eine Menge Dinge, die er nicht so gemeint hat
    4. (intend) etw wollen
    he didn't \mean any harm er wollte nichts Böses
    I \meant it as a present for Joanna ich hatte es als Geschenk für Joanna gedacht
    to \mean to do sth etw tun wollen
    I really didn't \mean to offend you ich wollte dich wirklich nicht kränken
    I've been \meaning to phone you for a week or two ich will dich schon seit Wochen anrufen
    to be \meant to do sth etw tun sollen
    you're \meant to fill in a tax form every year Sie müssen jedes Jahr eine Steuererklärung ausfüllen
    to \mean sb [or AM for sb] to do sth wollen, dass jd etw tut
    they didn't \mean [for] her to read the letter sie wollten nicht, dass sie den Brief liest
    to be \meant as sth als etw gemeint [o gedacht] sein
    to be \meant for sb für jdn gedacht [o bestimmt] sein
    to be \meant for greater things zu Höherem bestimmt sein
    to be \meant for each other füreinander bestimmt sein
    to be \meant to be sth (intended to represent) etw sein [o darstellen] sollen; (intended as) etw sein sollen, als etw gemeint sein
    it's \meant to be Donald das soll Donald sein
    it was \meant to be a surprise das sollte eine Überraschung sein
    to \mean business es ernst meinen
    to \mean mischief Böses im Schilde führen
    to \mean well es gut meinen
    5. (result in) etw bedeuten [o fam heißen]
    lower costs \mean lower prices niedrigere Kosten bedeuten niedrigere Preise
    this \means war das ist eine Kriegserklärung
    does this \mean we'll have to cancel our holiday? heißt das, dass wir unseren Urlaub absagen müssen?
    6. (have significance) etw bedeuten
    it was just a kiss, it didn't \mean anything es war nur ein Kuss, das hatte nichts zu bedeuten
    to \mean a lot/nothing/something to sb jdm viel/nichts/etwas bedeuten
    I. n (average) Mittel nt; (average value) Mittelwert m; ( fig) Mittelweg m
    II. adj inv durchschnittlich
    * * *
    I [miːn]
    adj (+er)
    1) (esp Brit: miserly) geizig, knauserig
    2) (= unkind, spiteful) gemein
    3) (= base, inferior) birth, motives niedrig
    4) (= shabby, unimpressive) shack, house schäbig, armselig
    5) (= vicious) bösartig; look gehässig, hinterhältig; criminal niederträchtig, abscheulich

    a sportsman/politician of no mean ability — ein sehr fähiger Sportler/Politiker

    1. n
    (= middle term) Durchschnitt m; (MATH) Durchschnitt m, Mittelwert m, Mittel nt
    2. adj
    mittlere(r, s) III pret, ptp meant
    1) (= signify) bedeuten; (person = refer to, have in mind) meinen

    it means starting all over again — das bedeutet or das heißt, dass wir wieder ganz von vorne anfangen müssen

    this will mean great changesdies wird bedeutende Veränderungen zur Folge haben

    your friendship/he means a lot to me — deine Freundschaft/er bedeutet mir viel

    2) (= intend) beabsichtigen

    to be meant for sb/sth — für jdn/etw bestimmt sein

    to mean sb to do sth — wollen, dass jd etw tut

    what do you mean to do? —

    of course it hurt, I meant it to or it was meant to — natürlich tat das weh, das war Absicht

    without meaning to sound rude — ich möchte nicht unverschämt klingen(, aber...)

    I thought it was meant to be hot in the south —

    I mean to be obeyed — ich verlange, dass man mir gehorcht

    I mean to have itich bin fest entschlossen, es zu bekommen

    if he means to be awkward... —

    this present was meant for youdieses Geschenk sollte für dich sein or war für dich gedacht

    3) (= be serious about) ernst meinen

    I mean it! — das ist mein Ernst!, ich meine das ernst!

    do you mean to say you're not coming? — willst du damit sagen or soll das heißen, dass du nicht kommst?

    I mean what I sayich sage das im Ernst


    he means well/no harm — er meint es gut/nicht böse

    to mean sb no harm — es gut mit jdm meinen, jdm nichts Böses wollen; (physically) jdm nichts tun; (in past tense) jdm nichts tun wollen

    I meant no harm by what I said — was ich da gesagt habe, war nicht böse gemeint

    * * *
    mean1 [miːn] prät und pperf meant [ment]
    A v/t
    1. etwas im Sinn oder im Auge haben, beabsichtigen, vorhaben, (tun etc) wollen, (zu tun) gedenken:
    I mean to do it ich will es tun;
    he meant to write er wollte schreiben;
    I mean it es ist mir ernst damit;
    he means business er meint es ernst, er macht Ernst;
    he meant no harm er hat es nicht böse gemeint;
    no harm meant! nichts für ungut!;
    I mean what I say ich meine es, wie ich es sage; ich spaße nicht;
    I mean to say ich will sagen;
    I didn’t mean to disturb you ich wollte Sie nicht stören;
    without meaning it ohne es zu wollen; mischief 1
    2. (besonders passiv) bestimmen ( for für):
    he was meant to be a barrister er sollte Anwalt werden;
    this cake is meant to be eaten der Kuchen ist zum Essen da;
    that remark was meant for you diese Bemerkung galt dir oder war an deine Adresse gerichtet oder war auf dich abgezielt;
    that picture is meant to be Churchill das Bild soll Churchill sein oder darstellen
    3. meinen, sagen wollen:
    by “liberal” I mean … unter „liberal“ verstehe ich …;
    I mean his father ich meine seinen Vater;
    what do you mean by this?
    a) was wollen Sie damit sagen?,
    b) was verstehen Sie darunter?
    4. bedeuten:
    he means (all) the world to me er bedeutet mir alles
    5. (von Wörtern und Worten) bedeuten, heißen:
    what does “fair” mean”;
    does that mean anything to you? ist Ihnen das ein Begriff?, sagt Ihnen das etwas?
    6. be meant to do sth bes Br etwas tun müssen
    B v/i
    1. mean well es gut meinen:
    mean well (ill) by ( oder to) sb jemandem wohlgesinnt (übel gesinnt) sein
    2. bedeuten (to für oder dat):
    mean little (everything) to sb jemandem wenig (alles) bedeuten;
    money doesn’t mean much to her Geld bedeutet ihr nicht viel, sie macht sich nicht viel aus Geld;
    his work means everything to him seine Arbeit geht ihm über alles
    3. how do you mean? wie meinen Sie das?
    mean2 [miːn] adj (adv meanly)
    1. gemein, gering, niedrig (dem Stande nach):
    mean birth niedrige Herkunft;
    mean white HIST US Weiße(r) m (in den Südstaaten) ohne Landbesitz
    2. ärmlich, armselig, schäbig (Straßen etc)
    3. no mean … ein(e) recht beachtliche(r, s) …:
    no mean opponent ein nicht zu unterschätzender Gegner
    4. gemein, niederträchtig: trick A 2
    5. schäbig, geizig, knaus(e)rig, filzig:
    be mean with geizen mit
    6. umg (charakterlich) schäbig:
    a) sich schäbig oder gemein vorkommen ( about wegen),
    b) US sich unpässlich oder nicht ganz auf der Höhe fühlen
    7. besonders US umg
    a) fies (Person)
    b) scheußlich, bös (Sache)
    mean3 [miːn]
    A adj
    1. mittler(er, e, es), Mittel…, durchschnittlich, Durchschnitts…:
    mean course SCHIFF Mittelkurs m;
    mean life PHYS Lebensdauer f;
    mean height mittlere Höhe (über dem Meeresspiegel);
    mean annual temperature Temperaturjahresmittel n;
    mean sea level Normalnull n;
    mean proportional MATH mittlere Proportionale;
    mean value theorem MATH Mittelwertsatz m
    2. dazwischenliegend, Zwischen…
    B s
    1. Mitte f, (das) Mittlere, Mittel n, Durchschnitt m, Mittelweg m:
    strike a ( oder the) happy mean den goldenen Mittelweg wählen
    2. MATH Durchschnittszahl f, Mittel(wert) n(m):
    strike a mean einen Mittelwert errechnen; golden mean
    3. Logik: Mittelsatz m
    4. pl (als sg oder pl konstruiert) Mittel n oder pl, Weg(e) m(pl):
    by all means auf alle Fälle, unbedingt, natürlich;
    a) etwa, vielleicht, gar,
    b) überhaupt,
    c) auf irgendwelche Weise;
    by no means, not by any means durchaus nicht, keineswegs, auf keinen Fall;
    by some means or other auf die eine oder die andere Weise;
    by means of mittels, durch, mit;
    by this ( oder these) means hierdurch, damit;
    by other means mit anderen Mitteln;
    a means of communication ein Kommunikationsmittel;
    means of protection Schutzmittel;
    means of transport( ation bes US) Beförderungsmittel;
    adjust the means to the end die Mittel dem Zweck anpassen;
    find the means Mittel und Wege finden; end C 10
    5. pl (Geld)Mittel pl, Vermögen n, Einkommen n:
    live within (beyond) one’s means seinen Verhältnissen entsprechend (über seine Verhältnisse) leben;
    a man of means ein bemittelter Mann;
    means test Bedürftigkeitsermittlung f
    * * *
    I noun
    Mittelweg, der; Mitte, die
    II adjective
    1) (niggardly) schäbig (abwertend)
    2) (ignoble) schäbig (abwertend), gemein [Person, Verhalten, Gesinnung]
    3) (shabby) schäbig (abwertend) [Haus, Wohngegend]; armselig [Verhältnisse]

    be no mean athlete/feat — kein schlechter Sportler/keine schlechte Leistung sein

    III transitive verb,
    1) (have as one's purpose) beabsichtigen

    mean well by or to or towards somebody — es gut mit jemandem meinen

    what do you mean by [saying] that? — was willst du damit sagen?

    I meant it or it was meant as a joke — das sollte ein Scherz sein

    I mean to be obeyed — ich verlange, dass man mir gehorcht

    I meant to write, but forgot — ich hatte [fest] vor zu schreiben, aber habe es [dann] vergessen

    do you mean to say that...? — willst du damit sagen, dass...?

    2) (design, destine)

    I meant you to read the letter — ich wollte, dass du den Brief liest

    3) (intend to convey, refer to) meinen

    if you know or see what I mean — du verstehst, was ich meine?

    I really mean it, I mean what I say — ich meine das ernst; es ist mir Ernst damit

    4) (signify, entail, matter) bedeuten

    the name means/the instructions mean nothing to me — der Name sagt mir nichts/ich kann mit der Anleitung nichts anfangen

    * * *
    bös adj.
    gemein adj. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: meant)
    = beabsichtigen v.
    bedeuten v.
    heißen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: hieß, geheißen)
    meinen v.
    sagen wollen ausdr.
    vorhaben v.

    English-german dictionary > mean

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